error @angular-devkit/build-angular@12.0.0: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^12.14.1 || ^14.0.0". Got "16.0.0" error Found incompatible module. info Visit for documentation about this command....
|Angular CLI| Angular | NodeJS |TypeScript | RxJS Version | | | | | | | |- |2.x |6.0.x or later minor |2.0.x |5.0.x/5.1.x/5.2.x/5.3.x/5.4.x/5.5.x | |1
电脑中node安装的版本v11,在使用ionic serve 启动项目时提示如上 根据提示Angular CLI 需要对应 v10.13 或者 v12.0,所以在控制面板中将node卸载,然后再重新下载对应版本的node进行安装 这里是下载的node-v10.13 然后双击进行安装...
fix(@angular/cli): remove Node.js v18 support Feb 21, 2025 .bazelignore build: add tests/ as a pnpm workspace to allow for npm package mappin… Feb 21, 2025 .bazelrc ci: prevent NpmPackageExtract from being placed remote cache
电脑中node安装的版本v11,在使用ionic serve 启动项目时提示如上 根据提示Angular CLI 需要对应 v10.13 或者 v12.0,所以在控制面板中将node卸载,然后再重新下载对应版本的node进行安装 这里是下载的node-v10.13 ...
使用Node版本管理工具(如nvm)来管理不同版本的Node.js。这样可以轻松地在不同的项目中使用不同的Node.js版本。您可以根据需要切换到与Angular CLI兼容的Node.js版本。 确保在安装Angular CLI之前已正确安装了Node.js。可以通过在命令行中运行node -v来检查Node.js的版本。如果未安装Node.js,请从官方网站下载并按照...
没找到需要的内容?换个关键词再搜索试试 向你推荐 安装出现错误,node版本是12.18.3,原来装过vue-cli,难道是冲突吗? 关于cli版本兼容问题 vue3和vue/cli4.5以上的安装是需要node的版本是14吗 Vue-cli 如何从2.9.6 版本升级至3.0随时随地看视频慕课网APP 相关...
first days, we need to adjust the webpack configuration used by the Angular CLI a bit to avoid code duplication in the generated bundles. The newwithModuleFederationPluginhelper that has been introduced with this plugin's version 14 does this by default. The config just needs to set eager to...
Trusted by the world's leading companies Setup Create an Angular Application You can useAngular CLIto setup your Angular applications. To install the Angular CLI, use the following command. npm install -g @angular/cli Create a new Angular application using the following Angular CLI command. ...