1import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';2import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms';3import { MatAutocomplete, MatAutocompleteModule, MatAutocompleteTrigger } from '@angular/material/autocomplete'4import { Observable, Subject, de...
Uncaught Error: Unexpected value 'ProductComponent' declared by the module 'AppModule'. Please add a @Pipe/@Directive/@Component annotation. 刚刚报错的时候我一脸懵逼,什么意思呀?要加管道??然后自以为是模块的问题,私自写了一个product.module.ts,然而还是解决不了问题,反而报更多的bug,最后被逼无奈,只有...
add aot option to karma add aot to WTR schema support aot option for karma browser builder @angular/build CommitDescription add application builder karma testing to package provide karma stack trace sourcemap support support per component updates of multi-component files ...
module.exports=withModuleFederationPlugin({shared:{...shareAll({singleton:true,strictVersion:true,requiredVersion:'auto',}),},sharedMappings:['shared-lib'],}); Please don't forget that sharing in Module Federation is always an opt-in: You need to add this setting to each micro frontend tha...
Code is clean and well-documented to serve as an example for Angular developers. Browser and screen reader support The Angular Components team supports the most recent two versions of all major browsers: Chrome (including Android), Firefox, Safari (including iOS), and Edge. ...
import { ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core/src/metadata/ng_module'; import { EmployeeCompoennt } from './Employee/Employee.Compoennt' import{AppComponent} from './app.component' export const AppRoutes: Routes = [ { path: '', component: AppComponent }, ...
添加一些额外的 module 执行npm install 安装 package 以下是@angular/material的ng add逻辑,ng-matero与此类似。 初始化安装 在schematics 中,我们可以通过NodePackageInstallTask方法安装 package exportdefaultfunction(options:any):Rule{return(host:Tree,context:SchematicContext)=>{// Add CDK first!addKeyPkgsTo...
Add those componets into 'entryComponents' & 'declarations': @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, OneComponent, TwoComponent, ThreeComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, ], entryComponents: [ OneComponent, TwoComponent, ThreeComponent ], ...
If you exported any service, module or component, etc in NgModule make sure to include them in public_api.ts or else angular 9 will throw error now. Fix: add your component to the public_api.ts export * from './lib/components/some-me/some-me.component'; Share Improve...
首先让我们说一下关于注册指令的API。非常像是控制器,指令也是注册在模块上。去注册一个指令,你使用module.directive API,module.directive需要一个标准的指令名称在工厂函数中。这个工厂函数应该返回一个基于不同选项的对象告诉$compile 当指令有匹配的时候如何做。