('videoElement') videoElement: ElementRef; // 在需要访问视频元素属性的方法中使用videoElement属性 accessVideoProperties() { console.log(this.videoElement.nativeElement.duration); // 访问视频时长 console.log(this.videoElement.nativeElement.currentTime); // 访问当前播放时间 // 其他视频元素属性的访问...
Normal you should use native 'button' to make a button instead of use other html element to make a button, then you can access the button thought the keyboard. If you use a 'div', then what you should do to make it accessible to the user by keyborad, you should add 'role', 'tab...
Let's take input element with a reference, <input #uname> and define view child directive and access it in ngAfterViewInit lifecycle hook @ViewChild('uname') input; ngAfterViewInit() { console.log(this.input.nativeElement.value); }
ngx-draggable-dom - Angular attribute directive that causes any element to become a draggable element. ngx-drag-resize - This Angular library provides directives that add drag and resize functionality to HTML elements. ng-keyboard-sort - Library to add keyboard commands for elements that also use...
:ElementRef;// If you need to access it in ngOnInt hook@ViewChild(TemplateRef,{static:true})foo!:TemplateRef; 以上功能不适用于ViewChildren或ContentChildren。它们将在变更检测运行后解析。 需要注意的是,设置static: true将不允许您从动态模板分辨率(例如*ngIf)获得结果。
我们可以通过组件自带的模板来定义组件的外观,模板以html的形式存在,告诉Angular如何来渲染组件,一般来说,模板看起来很像html,但是我们可以在模板中使用Angular的数据绑定语法,来呈现控制器中的数据。 控制器(controller) 控制器就是一个普通的typescript类,他会被@Component来装饰,控制器会包含组件所有的属性和方法,绝...
Notice that we’re now putting theng-showdirective to good use. This directive will only show the HTML element if the expression provided istrue(i.e., neitherfalse, nornull). In this case, the avatar will only show up once the driver object has been loaded into the scope by the control...
28.1.41•Public• Published18 hours ago Angular RichTextEditor Component TheAngular RichTextEditorcomponent is a feature-rich WYSIWYG HTML editor and WYSIWYG Markdown editor. The Rich Text Editor is widely used to create blogs, forum posts, notes sections, comment sections, messaging applications...
Notice that we have bindings in this directive. After$compilecompiles and links<divmy-customer></div>, it will try to match directives on the element’s children. This means you can compose directives of other directives. We’ll see how to do that inan examplebelow. ...
Each <li> element has access to the current repetition object, in this case a string, which is referred to by using x. Root ScopeAll applications have a $rootScope which is the scope created on the HTML element that contains the ng-app directive....