node.js版本 Node version 0.12.0 is not supported, please use Node.js 4.0 or higher. Proc 解决方法 1.在命令行命令输入 node -v ,查看系统目前的node版本 2.在命令行命令输入 where node ,查找并确认系统中是否只安装一个。若仅有一个版本且低于4.0,下载安装新版本。 3.若多于两个,将不符合的版本删...
如何为nodejs v6.x.x.which安装特定的angular cli版本angular cli verion适合nodejs v6.x.x?You are running version v6.x.x of node.js, which is not supported by angular CLI
- Node.js v16 support has been removed and the minimum support version has been bumped to 18.13.0. Node.js v16 is planned to be End-of-Life on 2023-09-11. Angular will stop supporting Node.js v16 in Angular v17. For Node.js release schedule details, please see:
- Angular no longer supports Node.js versions `14.[15-19].x` and `16.[10-12].x`. Current supported versions of Node.js are `14.20.x`, `16.13.x` and `18.10.x`. - TypeScript versions older than 4.8 are no longer supported. ...
1,845 Commits .github .husky build cypress demo docs integration/ssr src .editorconfig .eslintrc.json .gitignore .gitpod.Dockerfile .gitpod.yml .node-version .npmignore .prettierignore .prettierrc.json
一、首先需要安装node和npm 查看你的node以及npm版本: node -v 查看node版本 npm -v 查看npm...
Simple QRCode module generator for Angular4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19+ and Ionic 3/4/5/6/7/8 using node-qrcode. Latest version: 19.0.0, last published: 3 months ago. Start using angularx-qrcode in your project by running `npm i angularx-qrc
^613+Requires CKEditor 5 at least in version37. ^513+Requires Angular at least in version 13+. Lower versions are no longer maintained. ^49.1+Requires CKEditor 5 at least in version34. ^39.1+Requires Node.js at least in version 14. ...
.NET Core 2.2 SDK (version 2.2.101+) npm and Node.js (version 10.10.0+) Angular CLI (version 7.1.4+) Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio 2017, or another IDE compatible with the above Git (if you’re going to clone the companion repository) To get the most out of this post you sho...