TypeDoc Angular Version Compatibility This SDK officially supports Angular 15 to 17. If you're using an older Angular version please check thecompatibility table in the docs. If you're using an older version of Angular and experience problems with the Angular SDK, we recommend downgrading the SDK...
wulfsbergon Oct 19, 2016 I'm on Angular 2.1.0 and CLI beta 17. I have a structure looking like this: import { OpaqueToken } from '@angular/core'; export const APP_CONFIG = new OpaqueToken('app.config'); export interface AppConfig { geoserverUrl: string; ... } which triggers a W...
angular flex-layout v7.0.0-beta.23 ng2-avatar if you need a built in theme --> please let me know npm i @angular/cdk @angular/material @angular/flex-layout @angular/animations @angular/forms ng2-avatar Additional requirements Theme (Material Design) ...
1.9.1-beta.7(2024-10-27) Bug Fixes vite-plugin-angular:infer production build from config mode instead of NODE_ENV (#1423) (98e4bab) 1.9.1-beta.6(2024-10-25) Bug Fixes vite-plugin-nitro:enable websocket support & add docs (#1419) (9ac357f) 1.9.1-beta.5(2024-10-24) Bug Fix...
And of course, any Figma frame or node can be converted to plain HTML and CSS for Angular. The resulting Angular code can be simply copy-pasted, downloaded in a zip archive, or uploaded to CodeSandbox. Have questions? Check out ourDocsor contact ussupport@figmular.com Read more...
angular-fontawesome is a product of the community, you can take a look at the developer docs to find about more on how to contribute back to the project. Contributors The following contributors have either helped to start this project, have contributed code, are actively maintaining it (includi...
我从 17 年 10 月份开始正经学习前端(之前就是学了基本的 HTML CSS 和 JS),第一门框架是 Vue,...
type: feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, test,chore,revert, perf, build score: 影响范围 subject: 简短描述(动词开头,首字母小写,结尾不加.) body: 详细描述 footer: (1) 不兼容改动; (2) 关闭issue 3、实例 docs(changelog): update changelog to beta.5 ...
转眼间一年过去了,Angular 2发布了beta版,React如日中天,只有Polymer还是不温不火。这一年时间内,我...
随着Angular 升级到版本 4,angular-cli也进入了1.0正式版。所以我们需要先更新angular-cli的版本。 首先需要删除旧的angular-cli,如果你的angular-cli是在beta-28之前的版本,需要在工程目录下执行下面的命令: npm uninstall -g angular-cli npm uninstall --save-dev angular-cli ...