Angular 中的 AuthGuard 是一个路由守卫,它用于保护某些路由,只有当用户经过身份验证并具有访问权限时,才允许他们访问。AuthGuard 通常与路由配置一起使用,以确保用户无法直接访问需要身份验证的页面。 AuthGuard 是一个 Angular 服务,可以使用以下命令来创建它: ng g guard auth 上面的命令将生成一个名为“auth”的...
Angular Authguard显示空白页面 Angular Authguard是Angular框架中的一个功能,用于控制页面访问权限。它是一个路由守卫(Route Guard),用于在导航到特定路由时检查用户是否有权限访问该页面。 当使用Angular Authguard时,如果用户没有通过身份验证或没有足够的权限访问某个页面,Authguard可以阻止页面加载并显示空白页面或其他...
RouterStateSnapshot,UrlTree,Router}from'@angular/router';import{Observable}from'rxjs';@Injectable({providedIn:'root'})exportclassAuthGuardimplementsCanActivate{constructor(privaterouter: Router) {}canActivate(route:ActivatedRouteSnapshot,state:RouterStateSnapshot):Observable<boolean|UrlTree> |Promise<boolean|Ur...
constructor(public authService: AuthService) {} login(): void { this.authService.login(); } logout(): void { this.authService.logout(); } } 步骤4:保护路由 在Angular 中,你可以使用路由守卫(如AuthGuard)来保护那些需要用户登录后才能访问的路由。这里是一个简单的AuthGuard实现示例: ...
ng g guard auth Once that’s done, you will see auth.guard.ts that will implement the CanActivate interface. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { CanActivate, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterStateSnapshot, Router } from '@angular/router'; ...
ngx-package-starter - An Angular library NPM starter (or example) project to ease setup of Angular libraries as NPM packages from your GitHub repo. @EmilGramDK/angular-template - Angular with auth and PrimeNG. rx-clarity-template - clarity angular template using angular 17, standalone app. ng...
The auth guard is used to prevent unauthenticated users from accessing restricted routes, in this example it's used in app.routing.ts to protect the home page route. For more information about angular 2+ route guards you can check out this post on the thoughtram blog....
Router Guards - Guard your Angular routes with built-in Firebase Authentication checks. Example use import { provideFirebaseApp, initializeApp } from '@angular/fire/app'; import { getFirestore, provideFirestore } from '@angular/fire/firestore'; export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = { provider...
window.opener; this.broadcastService.inProgress$ .pipe( filter((status: InteractionStatus) => status === InteractionStatus.None), takeUntil(this._destroying$) ) .subscribe(() => { this.setLoginDisplay(); }) } login() { if (this.msalGuardConfig.authRequest){ this.authService.loginRedirect...