Angular 17: @angular-architects/module-federation: ^17.0.0 Angular 18: @angular-architects/module-federation: ^18.0.0 Angular 19: @angular-architects/module-federation: ^19.0.0 Beginning with Angular 13, we had to add some changes to adjust to the Angular CLI. Please see the next section fo...
import{Component,Inject,NgModule}from"@angular/core";import{LOCAL_STORAGE}from"@ng-web-apis/common";@Component({// ...})exportclassSomeComponent{constructor(@Inject(LOCAL_STORAGE)privatelocalStorage:Storage){// 现在你可以安全地使用localStorageconstitem=this.localStorage.getItem("key");}} 服务器端...
Once you finish the installation, you’ll need to import the main module: import{NgbModule}from'@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'; Next, you’ll need to add the module you imported in your app root module as follows: import{NgbModule}from'@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';@NgModule({declarations:...
addmodulepreloadfor lazy-loaded routes redirect to preferred locale when accessing root route without a specified locale includeContent-Languageheader when locale is set disable component bootstrapping during route extraction Deprecations @angular/build ...
@angular/cli 默认生成的 karma.conf.js 配置文件里面采用了一个有 bug 的 html 报告生成器,导致 ng test 运行报错,我们需要把这个 reporter 改成mocha...2-13 封装并发布你自己的组件库 3-1 指令简介 3-2 自定义指令 3-3 直接在组件里面操作 DOM 4 模块 @NgModule 5-1 路由概述 5-2 路由基本...
ng add @angular/material 在添加 Angular Material 过程中它会有几个选项 第一个就是选择 Theme。 总共有 4 个 Prebuilt Themes 可选:indigo-pink,deeppurple-amber,pink-bluegrey,purple-green。 下图是不同主题下的 Button 组件 不同的主题定义了不同的主色 (primary color) 和强调色 (accent color)。
首先让我们说一下关于注册指令的API。非常像是控制器,指令也是注册在模块上。去注册一个指令,你使用module.directive API,module.directive需要一个标准的指令名称在工厂函数中。这个工厂函数应该返回一个基于不同选项的对象告诉$compile 当指令有匹配的时候如何做。 To install this library, run: npm install ng-openlayers --save Import AngularOpenlayersModule ex. to your AppComponent in standalone mode. ...
- The `ngModuleFactory` input of the `NgComponentOutlet` directive is deprecated in favor of a newly added `ngModule` input. The `ngModule` input accepts references to the NgModule class directly, without the need to resolve module factory first. ...