Typescript 4.7. Node version 14.15.0 or later.Each and every property of Syncfusion Angular components are completely documented for easy access. Read NowHow to get started easily with Syncfusion Angular 14 componentsSyncfusion Angular packages are distributed in npm as the @syncfusion scoped package...
- Node.js v14 support has been removed Node.js v14 is planned to be End-of-Life on 2023-04-30. Angular will stop supporting Node.js v14 in Angular v16. Angular v16 will continue to officially support Node.js versions v16 and v18. ### platform-browser - The deprecated `BrowserTransferS...
can reuse these eager dependencies alothough they've been shipped via the host's bundle (e. g. itsmain.js). This works best, if the host always has the highest compatible versions of the shared dependencies. Also, in this case, you don't need to load the remote entry points upfront....
jspreadsheet - Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based online interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software. handsontable - Handsontable is a popular JavaScript data grid component that brings the well-known look and feel of spr...
NodePackageLinkTask in @angular-devkit/schematics. A custom task should be created instead. @angular/cli CommitTypeDescription ac3019570 feat add ng dev alias to ng serve 4087728c3 feat support for Node.js v22 41ab6c8c3 fix add --version option df4dde95d fix add @angular/build package to...
✔ Found compatible package version: @angular/material@12.2.13. ✔ Package information loaded. The package @angular/material@12.2.13 will be installed and executed. Would you like to proceed? Yes ✔ Package successfully installed. ? Choose a prebuilt theme name, or "custom" for a custom...
Use what you love ️ Angular, Capacitor, Ionic, React, Solid, Svelte, Vue with: iOS (UIKit, SwiftUI), Android (View, Jetpack Compose), Dart (Flutter) and you name it compatible. react javascript android kotlin java swift ios angular typescript vue objective-c cross-platform svelte ...
一、首先需要安装node和npm 查看你的node以及npm版本: node -v 查看node版本 npm -v 查看npm...
angularx-qrcodeis compatible with Ionic 3/4/5/6/7/8 and Angular 4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19+ with support for the Ivy compiler. It is a drop-in replacement for the no-longer-maintained angular component ng2-qrcode and based on node-qrcode. ...
* **common:** update supported range of node versions to only include LTS versions ([#41822](https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/41822)) ([f2b6fd8](https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/f2b6fd87056cf3159e8ecc275ce654e47fdfa6f0)) ...