由国际石墨烯知名专家Dr.Bor Jang领航,对于石墨烯产业已投入超过10年的研发经验,总部位于美国俄亥俄州Dayton。90多项石墨烯材料产品已获得美国生产专利及应用发明专利。 *光学性质:石墨烯几乎完全透明,只吸收2.3%的光 *导热性质:单层石墨烯导热系数高达5300W/m.k,是铜的13倍以上。 *导电性质:石墨烯常温下电子迁移...
Angstron Materials (Dayton, Ohio) has received United States patent 8,114,373 for its next-step method that effectively exfoliates layered graphene and offers several key advantages. The method is able to produce nano graphene platelets with a thicknessless than 100nm and in many cases thinner ...
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Angstron Materials has received United States patent 8,114,373 for its next-step method that effectively exfoliates layered graphene and offers several key advantages. According to Angstron, the method is able to produce nano graphene platelets with a thickness thinner than 100nm and in many cases...
Dayton, Ohio-based Angstron Materials has introduced a new single-layer graphene oxide product, available in a 0.5% water or solvent dispersion for processing flexibility. The new product can be used to significantly improve the thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of polymers and composites,...
Nanomaterials company Angstron Materials LLC, of Dayton, OH, USA, has introduced nano-graphene platelets (NGPs) as a cost-effective, high-quality alternative to carbon tubes (CNTs). The company claims to be the first to offer large quantities of the carbon-based single-atom-thick nanomaterial....
Angstron Materialswill demonstrate the capability of its nano graphene platelets for commercial applications of graphene-based material at the 3rd Korea Graphene Industry Workshop on November 6, 2012, at Johnson Hall, Korea Institute of Science and Technology in Seoul, South Korea.Dr. Bor Jang, co...
Angstron Materials will demonstrate its capability to produce ultra-thin graphene along with its technology advances for applications in graphene-based thermal dissipation sheets, nano-composites and other uses at Nano Korea 2012, to be held August 16th - 18th at COEX in Seoul, South Korea.Angstron...
Angstron Materials to promote graphene for military dutiesdoi:10.1016/j.mprp.2015.06.040NoneelsevierMetal Powder Report
Nanotek Instruments, parent company of Angstron Materials Inc., has been issued U.S. Patent 7,623,340 for its development of a new high-performing class of meso-porous nanocomposites. The new nanocomposite provides a superior supercapacitor electrode material for uses that include hybrid electric ...