该游戏一共可以召唤5种独特的僵尸,如果发现了荫尸要尽快处理否则后果不堪设想。 [1] 感染僵尸:能感染人类 [2] 溅洒僵尸:可以一次攻击多个人类 [3] 再生僵尸:可从尸体创造僵尸 [4] 爆炸僵尸:爆炸能清除一块区域 [5] 滚压僵尸:一次攻击所有人类 版本1.13 中的新功能 Added Link of "Angry Zombies 2 HD"...
The other well-known game about angry feathered creatures is NOTHING LIKE THIS GAME. This is a first-person shooter where you go around smashing toilets with a hammer, making "Mr T" style remarks as you do so. The toilets of course have sharp teeth and chase after you groaning like zomb...