The Angry Birds Movie takes us to an island populated entirely by happy, flightless birds – or almost entirely. In this paradise, Red, a bird with a temper problem, speedy Chuck, and the volatile Bomb have always been outsiders. When the island is visited by mysterious green piggies, it...
Angry Birds Transformers is a run-and-gun video game developed by Rovio Entertainment and Exient Entertainment. The game is a crossover between the Angry Birds and Transformers series. The game would release on October 15, 2014, and October 30, 2014, for
Angry Birds style gameAn effort to replicate a level and relevant mechanisms of Rovio's famous Angry Birds game, built in Unity game engine. Source code is provided for educational purposes.You can check here:
Transcripts for The Angry Birds Movie 2. Transcript Mm. Those are good worms right there. Hey, Alex! How's the commute treating you? Hey, I can't complain. - That never stopped him before. - Right? [BOTH LAUGH] Well, we made good time today. [BOTH GRUNT] Matilda: Red was one ...