Red (as Optimus Prime) and Chuck (as Bumblebee) must free their allies from captivity and save Piggy Island. Eventually, with the introduction of the War Pass, the Deceptihogs and Autobirds return to infighting. GameplayThe objective in the game is to complete a run from start to finish...
6.1 Angry Birds: Mystery of the Green Bird 6.2 Angry Birds: Red Bird To The Rescue! 6.3 Angry Birds: Stella and the Hunt for the Jade Egg 6.4 Angry Birds Comics 6.5 Angry Birds: Cheer Up, Chuck! 6.6 Angry Birds: Stella and the Egg Tree 6.7 A Pig From The Stars And Other Stories ...
Angry Birds Transformers is an endless runner which doesn't require any kind of analysis. Instead of angling your bird at a specific target to do the maximum amount of damage, your characters are sprinting on Piggy Island to kill as many Eggbots as possible and free imprisoned Autobirds (Sou...
There is nothing engaging about the birds. You don’t care about an individual bird for any length other than the flight from the slingshot to the pig house. Suggesting that they are is an insult to John Marston. Marston, from 2010’s Red Dead Redemption is actually an engaging ch...
She was a tough old bird who had survived a neck-wringing and lived to scratch through another day. She was equally determined to crack the code on how to escape and fly the coop! These three birds took little Poullette under their wings and included her in their scheme. ...
So, there’s this indie game I bought recently, called “Hatoful Boyfriend”. It’s a Japanese PG-13 dating simulator, except that the rest of the student body besides you are man-sized birds with human characteristics. The player spends the entire game building romantic relationships with pig...