当当中华商务进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【中商原版】CGP儿童教辅 探索与学习历史系列2册 含练习 KS2 Discover & Learn History:Anglo-Saxons 盎格鲁撒克逊人 9-10岁》。最新《【中商原版】CGP儿童教辅 探索与学习历史系列2册 含练习 KS2 Discover & Learn History:Anglo-
Because English came from two main sources - old French, and old Anglo-Saxon, there is a very large vocabulary of words.(因为英语来出自于两种主要语言:古法语和OldAnglo-Saxon,它有极为广泛的词库。) Songwriter and record producer Glen Ballard worked with filmmaker Robert Zemeckis on the upcoming...
Who were the Anglo-Saxons? Find out in a KS2 guide from BBC Bitesize and watch video clips and animations about the Anglo-Saxon world An introduction to the Anglo-Saxon world from the British Library Britons, Saxons, Scots and Picts: loads of information to explore Read kids' historical ...
frightened用法短语 frighten的用法1:frighten的基本意思是“使恐惧”“使害怕”。可指对一刺激的短暂反应,也可指充满害怕或恐惧的任何一种心理状态。在程度上则多指使人瘫作一团的“恐惧”。frighten的用法2:frighten一般用作及物动词,通常接人或动物作宾语。偶尔也可用作不及物动词,这时主动形式常含...