2024 Sanctity of Life Sunday RESOURCES intercessions Prayers Scripture Readings Theme/Homily Bookmarks for printing Introduction to Mercy And Grace Infusion (M.A.G.I.) Donate to AFLC Please include your address with the donation if you wish to receive a tax receipt. ...
Ever since i first came here over forty years ago, I have been envious of you who are able to claim this place as home; to belong here, and to have been nurtured in thisthin place, saturated as it is by the prayers and aspirations of those who have prayed here, adored here and con...
Scotlands churcheshave sought to urge respectful dialogue in the independence debate andconsideration of the most vulnerable and marginalised in Scottish society(irrespective of the result of the referendum). ACTS was asked to prepare prayers andliturgical material for use by churches on the Sundays be...