An angle on the coordinate plane is in standard position if the vertex is at the origin and one ray is on the positive 𝑥-axis. The ray on the 𝑥-axis is called the initial side. The ray that rotates about the center is called the terminal side. If the measure of an angle is ...
Check It Out: Example 1 Continued Use a protractor to measure the angle. G I H Using the scale that starts with 0° along ray HI, read the measure where ray HG crosses. Check It Out: Example 1 Continued Use a protractor to measure the angle. G I H The measure of GHI is 70°. ...
Whatdoyousee?岛屿 明信片上的奇异场面:西班牙的超现实主义者萨尔瓦多·达利在看到一幅明信片后受启发产生灵感,创作了这幅模棱两可的画面,把整幅图旋转90度你会发现其中的奥秘。7 Whatdoyousee?保姆背后的神秘嘴唇:这是伟大的西班牙超现实主义画家塞尔瓦多·达利的经典之作,远处的房屋与近处的人物交相辉映,构成了...