Noun1.angle of inclination- (geometry) the angle formed by the x-axis and a given line (measured counterclockwise from the positive half of the x-axis) inclination geometry- the pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces ...
Measurement of angle of inclination and measurement of rotation are accomplished by one physical angle of inclination measuring device (11).KEMMOKU, Taro見木 太郎SANO, Koji
angle of emergence angle of eye angle of femoral torsion angle of Fuchs angle of incidence angle of inclination angle of inclination of femur angle of iris angle of Louis angle of mandible angle of mouth angle of nail angle of penis
Exact knowledge of femoral neck inclination and torsion angles is important in recognizing, understanding and treating pathologic conditions in the hip joint. However, published results vary widely between different studies, which indicates that there are persistent difficulties in carrying out exact measure...
vt. 歪曲,使(新闻、报道等)偏向某一观点represent sth from a particular point of view; slant vi. 垂钓,钓鱼try to catch fish with a hook and line 英英释义 angle n. the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians...
Rotary angle around the reference axis line (17) is measured between the measurement start position and the measurement end position. Measurement of angle of inclination and measurement of rotation are accomplished by one physical angle of inclination measuring device (11). 展开 ...
angle of attack攻角;迎角;冲角 high angleadj. 高角射击的 , n. 高角 pressure angle压力角 at an angle倾斜地;成一个角度 azimuth anglen. 方位角 wide angle广角的;大角度的 inclination angle倾斜角,倾角 rake angle倾角;刀面角;[军]投弹角
Using the well known Pariser-Parr-Pople procedure, with Configuration Interaction, the absorption maxima, oscillator strengths, and effectivetorsion anglesof the methyl benzoic acids are determined. springer If the bond angles, bond lengths andtorsion anglesof the components are not modified at any st...
8.There was slight axial rotation of the tibia relative to the femur.相对于股骨,胫骨出现轻微轴向转动。 9.Study of Imageology for Varus Inclination of the Proximal Tibia and Rotational Alignment of the Distal Femur on Chinese Adults and Its Significance in TKA;国人胫骨平台内翻角及股骨远端旋转对线...
Spare parts for torque spanners, torque screwdrivers, torsion angle spanners and electronic measuring spanners Pièces de rechange pour clés de couple, tournevis dynamométriques, clés àécart angulaire et clés de mesure électroniques tmClass Physical angle of inclination measuring device and ...