I.weather [ ˈwɛðə, ˈwɛðər] SUBST weather temps m good/bad weather beau/mauvais temps wet/hot/wintry weather temps humide/chaud/d'hiver what's the weather like? quel temps fait-il? the weather here is hot il fait chaud ici in hot/cold weather quand il fai...
I.weather[GBˈwɛðə,Amˈwɛðər]SUBST weather tempsm good/badweather beau/mauvaistemps wet/hot/wintryweather tempshumide/chaud/d'hiver what'stheweatherlike? queltempsfait-il? theweatherhereishot ilfaitchaudici inhot/coldweather ...
what's your angle on this?→¿cuál es tupunto de vistaalrespecto?→¿tú quéopinasde esto? from the parents' angle→desde elpunto de vistaorlaperspectivade los padres 2.2.(=aspect) →componentem the director decided to play down the love angle→eldirectordecidiórestarimportanciaalcomponen...
What’s New 11 Feb 2025 Version 4.0 √ Errors have been corrected. √ Numerous improvements have been made, making the Je Parle Anglais app work better than ever. √ Your opinion on the Je Parle Anglais app is extremely important to us!
What’s New Version History Version 4.0 √ Errors have been corrected. √ Numerous improvements have been made, making the Je Parle Anglais app work better than ever. √ Your opinion on the Je Parle Anglais app is extremely important to us!
“The property was well equipped with basic provisions like toiletries, toilet paper, kitchen roll and even sunscreen which was great. There’s nothing worse than a poorly equipped property where you have to go to a supermarket to restock after a...” ...
What's next? Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Français (France)? -Yes, well that would be expected. -That’s what I’d ex... Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Français (France)? What is the weather like outside? Qu'est-ce-que c'est en Français (France)? 1.She bowed to the audience...
despite what they do at the track. In the track they fight like hell and out of the track they are colleagues and they are supporting each other. Having said so, you mention criticism. For sure the criticism to Sebastian they are not coming from the team, because I have sa...
LH:It Well, obvouisly we have got a great package but what people need to realize is that all of us drivers, as you know, whatever car we have, fast or slow, we take it to the limit. And when you take it to the limit, it’s like wrestling a bull or whatever you want to sa...
what'stheweatherlike? quelleheureest-il? what'stimeisit? quelestleplusgranddesdeux? which(one)isbigger? jemedemandequelleapuêtresaréaction Iwonderwhathisreactionwas quelquesoitsonchoix(subj) whateverhechooses quellesquesoientlesconséquences, ... ...