For the right people, it's usually safe and effective, but there is a significant chance that the blockages will form again. The procedure is less risky and expensive than surgery, and requires a much shorter hospital stay.
Complications of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in the legs: analysis of 1379 proceduresANGIOPLASTYKIDNEY diseasesHEMORRHAGEBackground Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty has firmly established itself as a useful adjunct to surgery in the management of patients with peripheral vascular disease. A large ...
Angioplastyand coronary artery bypass surgery are two common procedures used to treat angina. 目前比较常见的手术形式为血管成形术和冠状动脉搭桥术. 期刊摘选 Studies have shown thatangioplastyand stenting can save lives when used in heart attacks. ...
Weinberger MH, Yune HY, Grim CE, Luft FC, Klatte C, Donohue JP (1979) Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for renal artery stenosis in a solitary functining kidney; an alternative to surgery in the high-risk patient. Ann Intern Med 91: 684–688 (November). PubMedCASGoogle Scholar Alpert ...
The field of vascular surgery has undergone significant changes recently. Beginning with the development of less invasive techniques to manage general surgical pathology, such as laproscopic procedures, there has been a paradigm shift in the type of techniques that are available to treat patients. Hi...
It is not as costly as coronary bypass surgery, nor does it involve more than l or 2 days of hospitalization under ordinary circumstances. 它不像冠状动脉搭桥手术那样昂贵,在通常情况下也不需要超过1或2天的住院治疗。 Angioplasty is also being used to treat blockages in the arteries of the legs...
Some patient's coronary arteries are not good candidates for angioplasty and/or stents. Such patients may benefit from another treatment technique termed bypass surgery. Bypass surgery occurs when a surgeon removes a blood vessel from one part of the body (chest, legs, or arms) and uses it to...
Recently, endovascular revascularization (percutaneous transluminal angioplasty [PTA]) has challenged surgery as a method for the salvage of critically ischemic legs (CLI). Comparison of surgical and endovascular techniques in randomized... MI Sderstrm,EM Arvela,M Korhonen,... - 《Annals of Surgery...
of contralateral approach, forcing an interventional physician to access the lower extremity through an upper extremities, a more complex risky and prolonged approach which may not be possible. Alternatively a patient may be subjected to an operative procedure for lower extremities vascular surgery. ...
Utilization of the technique as an alternative to surgical bypass in patients with multisystem co-morbidity; Assessment of subintimal angioplasty performed in legs for critical ischemia; Rate of limb salvage; Usefulness of the technique as the first-line intervention in the treatment of leg ischemia....