Lower extremityAngiogramThis section provides a comprehensive procedural report for lower extremity angiogram procedure with up-to-date explanatory notes, synopsis of the indications and contraindications, and potential compdoi:10.1007/978-3-319-40845-3_125Hiba Ezzeddine...
Of the patients whose IA-DSA was diagnostic only 51 (53.7%) had subsequent surgical intervention and 6 (5.88%) had a second endovascular procedure. There were no complications in those patients having a diagnostic angiogram only. In those patients progressing to intervention there were 3 ...
aThe bilateral femoropopliteal systems may then be imaged as a part of the overall lower extremity angiogram utilizing traditional “run-off” angiography or digital subtraction angiography (DSA) via the “bolus-chase” method in capable angiographic suites 当运用传统“决赛”血管学的整体更低的肢管造影...
As part of a preoperative workup before lower extremity revascularization,16 patients underwent a CTA followed by a DUS. Although the CTA provided useful arterial anatomy, the greater saphenous vein (GSV) was also evaluated. In total, 22 GSV were evaluated in 11 patients. The vein diameter was...
We had the following hypotheses: (1) a CTA for lower extremity fractures with no clinical signs of a vascular injury is not indicated, and (2) fracture location and pattern would correlate with the risk of a vascular injury.Monazzam, ShafaghGoodell, Parker B.Salcedo, Edgardo S.Nelson, ...
When are CT angiograms indicated for patients with lower extremity fractures? A review of 275 extremities.: Monazzam S, Goodell PB, Salcedo ES, et al. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017;82:133–137doi:10.1016/j.jemermed.2017.03.005George...
When are CT angiograms indicated for patients with lower extremity fractures? A review of 275 extremities.: Monazzam S, Goodell PB, Salcedo ES, et al. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017;82:133–137doi:10.1016/j.jemermed.2017.03.005Nigel S. George...