Juvenile Justice Anger Management Manual for Girls: Initial Trial DataKemp, KathleenRiggs Romaine, ChristinaGoldstein, Naomi EFreeland, RachelSerico, JenniferHeilbrun, Anna M
Anger Management: A CBT Approach CBT has been found to be an effective treatment for anger problems. Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Be- havioral Therapy Manual, a set of two manuals from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis- ...
Free Tools for The Practitioner’s Guide to Anger Management Here are the free tools available for this book. You’ll need to be logged in to your NewHarbinger.comaccountto view or download these files. If you don’t have an account, no problem; it’s free tocreate one. ...
A. (2002). Principles of empirically supported interventions applied to anger management. Counseling Psychologist, 30, 262–280. Google Scholar Eckhardt, C. I., & Deffenbacher, J. L. (1995). Diagnosis of anger disorders. In H. Kassinove (Ed.), Anger disorders (pp. 27–47). Bristol,...
(1980). Anger management via stress inoculation with six emotionally disturbed children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. Google Scholar Kazdin, A. E. (1990). Conduct disorder in childhood. In M. Hersen & C. G. List (Eds.),Handbook of ...
Third, the treatment plan should include specific strategies to address anger management issues, as well as the frequently associated problems of comorbid anxiety disorder, substance abuse disorder, poor impulse control, and psychosocial impairment when these are present. Such an MDD requires thoughtful ...
Although many VA clinics provide anger management groups, empirical evidence of efficacy of treatments for these Veterans is limited. This study was designed to address this gap using a randomized controlled trial design with an active control condition. Findings of the study may have important ...
Data collection, analysis and management strategies aimed at collecting sufficient information on each child to enable building an accurate portrait of the child and his or her ecological niche. In addition to interviewing children, the research team spoke to many parents, clinicians and teachers. We...
Behavioral and cardiovascular responses to confrontation; Behavioral components of interpersonal communication; Importance of anger management training.doi:10.1007/BF01857676Larkin, Kevin T.Zayfert, ClaudiaJ Behav MedJournal of Behavioral MedicineLarkin KT, Zayfert C: Anger management training with mild ...
Institute for Mental Health Initiatives. (1991). Anger management for parents: The RETHINK method [Videotape]. Champaign, IL: Research Press. Google Scholar Kazdin, A.E. (1990). Premature termination from treatment among children referred for antisocial behavior.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychi...