Meanwhile, in light of the row involving Mr Hester, Ms Rayner also saidmajor Labour donor Dale Vinceshould "reflect" on his "appalling" comments about Hamas. Last year Mr Vince said in an interview with Times Radio that "one man's terrorist is another man's freed...
Angela Rayner speech and closing ceremony; INT Angela Rayner MP speech SOT / - Thank you, Conference, and thank you Sviatlana. The sacrifice you have made for your country sets an example to us all... Get premium, high-resolution news videos at Getty Im
ANEW Greater Manchester MP - who was told she would 'amount tonothing' after becoming pregnant...Tfitzgerald, Todd Fitzgerald
He added: "Consider what happens if Russia can claim a win: China is going to notice that, and so will the world, and so will every tin-pot dictator around the world. "If America is not to stand behind its allies in the...