Angel (Latin angelus; Greek aggelos; Hebrew MLAK, from the root: LAK means “one going” or “one sent”: messenger). Read more from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
The Seven Heavens in the Talmud. Fall of the Angels. Creation of Angels. Angels as Instructors. Mediate between God and Men. Angels of the Nether World. Guardians of the Nations. Conjuring by Names of Angels. Angel Worship. Inferior to Man. Philo on Angels. Saadia, Ha-Levi, Ibn Daud, ...
A male given name used since 16th century, from Latin Angelus or an anglicized spelling of Ángel. [..] + 添加翻译 英文- Iban 词典中的“Angel" 目前我们的字典中没有Angel的翻译,也许你可以添加一个?确保检查自动翻译、翻译记忆库或间接翻译。 带有...
The Guardian Angel Prayer pays tribute to a wonderful divine being! God in His great love for us gives each of us our own unique guide, a guardian angel, at birth to keep us going in the right direction on our path towards heaven. ...
“What a miracle that Carmen was not badly injured or killed in this serious accident, like her sister was a year prior. From the condition of her car, it seems she should have been. What I love about this story is that Carmen started her day and her drive with the prayer, ‘God, ...
Although other angels have been attributed with the title of Angel of Death, it is Michael who weighs the souls on judgment day, after his battle once more with the forces of evil. He is mentioned as both an angel of destruction and vengeance in the name of God, but also as a ...
393.God Bless America 394.They All Laughed 395.Jeepers Creepers 396.Rosalie 397.I've Got A Pocketful Of Dreams 398.South Of The Border 399.Cathedral In The Pines 400.The Breaks 401.Greenfinger 402.Ain't That Skippin' and Flyin' 403.Tuscan Saltarello 404.I Want You to Know I Love You...
"Michael Warrior of GOD" MMXXIV" This gallery is devoted to the holy angels who God has sent to minister to us and protect us every day... Angels:(from the Latin Angelus meaning messenger)area race of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men; described in Hebrew, Christian, and...
fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. […] There were giants in the earth in those days; and also afterward, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”...
Angel comes from the Greekangelos"messenger" and in Christian theology angels are spirits who are messengers, ministers and servants of God. In the fully developed medieval system there is a hierarchy of angelic beings with angels at the bottom, rising through archangels, principalities through many...