Then they get beat up, raped and tortured to death until they piss on themselves and die. And often times they then get mutilated, dismembered and have their disfigured corpses fucked in a warm puddle of their own piss. I mean… I don't know what they're supposed to be doing, but ...
(By Death's invitation) My son, come, come, come, my son (Born as a punishment) My son, come, come, come, my son (Don't call the name) My son, come, come, come, my son (For he will come again) Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-[] "Vengeance on ...
level of a building. She has no memories and no idea why she is here. She tries to get above ground, but the cutthroat Zack, who wanders throughout the building with a head covered in bandages and carries a sickle that looks like it belongs to a Shinigami (Death God), appears before...
sound issue Fix For nearly all anime games To fix it, right-click on the sound settings on the bottom right of your desktop. Click on “Playback Devices”. Left-click and go to the properties of whatever you use to output audio. Go to the “Advanced” tab and change the format to ...