find similar anime based on genres Objectionable content: Intense Plot Summary: Her name is Rei, the Chimera, Angel of Death. The dark wasteland of the underworld is her home. She`s an expert marksman, a silent assassin, and more woman than meets the eye. The mafia boss who killed ...
find similar anime based on genres & themes Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: In a world after death, angels fight for their fate and their future. Yuri, the leader of the Shinda Sekai Sensen, rebels against the god who destined her to have an unreasonable life. On the other...
Against all odds, Alita actually works. While previous live-action manga adaptations like Death Note and Ghost in the Shell came out bloated and disingenuous, Alita: Battle Angel is fun, fiery and focused enough to know what it's about. ...