One ecumenical angel who seems to be very busy is Gabriel. He first appears bearing a message to the Jewish patriot, Daniel. Later he comes to Mary to tell her she is about to become the mother of Jesus, the founder of Christianity. Still later he appears to Muhammad, escorting him on...
It was an angel who found Agar in the wilderness (Gen., xvi); angels drew Lot out of Sodom; an angel announces to Gideon that he is to save his people; an angel foretells the birth of Samson (Judges, xiii), and the angel Gabriel instructs Daniel (Dan., viii, 16), though he ...
People Archangel Gabriel: Messenger and Angel of the Annunciation People Why Were the Pharisees the 'Bad Guys' in the Bible? People Who Was the Mysterious Melchizedek in the Bible? The World Can You Answer These Hard Bible Questions in 7 Minutes? People A Short History of Hell People Wh...
Two angels (both of whom are "archangels", who lead other angels) are mentioned by name in the Bible: Michael and Gabriel. Catholic and Orthodox tradition in the Book of Tobit also mentions Raphael by name. Angels separate the good in life from the evil: "So it will be at the end ...
Hence we find on the Gnostic gems the names of numbers of their angels; on one are those of Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Ananael, Prosorael, and Chabsael. But the chief and most highly venerated was Michael, insomuch that oratories were erected in Asia Minor, where divine honors ...
2). Michael to the right, Uriel to the left, Gabriel in front, and Raphael in the rear of the throne (Num. R. ii.), are stationed on the four sides of heaven (Midrash Konen, at end; compare Hekalot, vi.). Padael is the name given to the angel who appeared to Samson's ...
Javan is the name of Noah’s son in the Bible. Since this Hebrew name literally means “Greece”, he is believed to be the guardian angel of the Grecian islands. Related: 300 Bible Trivia Questions and Answers 24. Gabriel If your babe is born around Christmas time, consider the angel na...
The corruption brought on by Azazel and the Grigori degrades the human race, and the four archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel) “saw much blood being shed upon the earth and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth […] The souls of men [made] their suit, saying, “Bri...
In the Koran, Jewish and Gnostic angelologies seem to be intermingled. In Mohammed's time the old Arabian goddesses—Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat —were spoken of as angels and daughters of God (Koran, sura xxxvii. v.150, liii. v.20). The chief of all the archangels is Gabriel (...
Daniel 9:21,23 Yes, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly... John. Revelation 1:4,9 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be to you, and peace, from him which is, and...