Prime Marvel Universe (Earth-616) Live-Action Variants Revised X-Men Cinematic Universe (Earth-10005 Revised) Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted.
Angel Dust wasn't the best employee or tenant, eventually owing a great deal of debt and unpaid rent to his boss. One day he tried to do his boss a favour, finalizing a drug deal with a group of shark demons. It went badly, turning into an argument and then into a fight, with ...
根据Vivziepop的说法,Husk和Angel Dust的关系将会随着剧集的发展而发展,她解释说这是她想要确保有时间发展的关系,但她没有具体说明这段关系是否会变成浪漫的关系。 发展 作为Vivziepop的角色之一,Angel Dust的创作日期是2013年2月9日,当时她正在视觉艺术学院学习。 在早期的开发过程中,Angel的人类名字最初打算是“...
内容均来自HAZBIN HOTEL WIKI 纯机翻 注:Wiki百科内容并不完全符实,仅图一乐。准确信息可以去纺锤之马中文站了解 视频素材来自纺锤之马中文站发现《Addict (Dub Mix)》 动画 动漫杂谈 安吉尔·德斯特 AngelDust AD 美漫 ...
Angel Dust/画廊/官方作品(2) 去Love 2024年03月09日 17:55 收录于文集 地狱客栈/人物WIKI介绍 · 56篇 以下内容均来自HAZBIN HOTEL WIKI 分享至 投诉或建议 目录 0 0
以下内容均来自HAZBIN HOTEL WIKI [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] [图片] 注:Wiki百科内容并不完全符实,仅图一乐。准确信息可以去纺锤之马中文站了解 Angel Dust的父亲 特征 种族: 罪人恶魔 人类(以前) 性别:男 关系 家庭: ·不知名的妻子 ·Arackniss(长子) ·Angel Dust(小儿子) ...
'sstrongest weapon in theAdvancerelease, providing 170 Attack, 135 Hit Rate, +7 Magic and Speed, can be wielded with two-hands, and has a 25% chance of castingConfusewhen attacking with it. It can be dropped byPlagueor won from theDragon's Neck Coliseumby betting theStardust Rodand ...
The Big Dustup 31 March 17, 2010 Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Brian Denham While Connor tries to get his devoted army of demon soldiers under control, a new player steps up, and Illyria decides not to take Angel's continued absence lying down. Meanwhile, Eddie Hope finds out that ...