Focuses on the contributions of the Executive Councils Association officer Aneurin Bevan on the National Health Service in Great Britain. Deliverance of speech during the meeting of the Executive Councils Association; Presentation of detailed plans for consultation; Management of the difficulties in ...
Related to aneurin:Aneurin Bevan (əˈnjʊərɪn) n (Biochemistry) a less common name forthiamine [C20: from a(nti-) + (poly)neur(itis) + (vitam)in] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, ...
The son of a miner, Bevan became a collier’s helper at age 13 but had to leave the mines in a few years because ofeye disease. After two years at Central Labour College, London, he entered politics and in 1929 was elected to theHouse of Commonsas Labour member fromEbbw Vale. Through...
安奈林·比万(Aneurin Bevan)(1897-1960年),矿工出身的英国政治家,在卫生大臣任内推动建立了为全民提供公费医疗的NHS体系。What should be the glory of the profession is t - 译点点常识于20230521发布在抖音,已经收获了4.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Second reading of the NHS Bill I beg to move that the Bill be now read a Second time. In the last two years there has been such a clamour from sectional interests in the field of national health that we are in danger of forgetting why these proposals are brought forward at all. It ...
Aneurin Bevan on the NHS. Focuses on the contributions of the Executive Councils Association officer Aneurin Bevan on the National Health Service in Great Britain. Deliverance of speech during the meeting of the Executive Councils Association; Presentation of det... R, Maxwell - Bmj 被引量: 1发...
The Hero and the Villain Take Centre Stage Again; the Portraits of Margaret Thatcher and Aneurin Bevan Unveiled in the Senedd Last Night Are Dividing Opinion. and It's Small Wonder, Says Political Editor Tomos Livingstone, When You Consider Their Respective Legacies in Wales Newspaper article ...
Aneurin ,BevanBevan! You should be living at this hour nthe NHS has need of you. She is a shell nsapped of spirit, a disoriented hull na revengeful return of the Mayflower. nHer decks brim with pristine shops and babble, nb...
National,HealthThe origins of the NHS are the subject of this study that presents evidence on the key players who participated in the founding of the system. The author also traces those who opposed the NHS.Creating the National Health Service: Aneurin Bevan and the Medical Lords...