Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science的首期封面向我们传达了COVID-19在患者围手术期结果和术后恢复进程中对人体器官系统可能产生的一系列影响。本文由期刊主编,来自帝国理工大学的马大青教授供稿,探讨了对COVID-19患者手术的最佳时间和术后管理方案,并提出了一系列针对COVID-19患者的围手术期管理和术后恢复的建议,...
经过历时一年多的筹备与沟通,2022年6月2日,四川天府新区麻醉学学会与Springer Nature出版社最终正式通过线上签订了 Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science(麻醉与围术期科学, APS) 出版合作协议。这标志着我国首个麻醉学综合国际英文学术期刊在四川天府新区诞生!四川天府新区麻醉学学会会长、四川大学华西医院麻醉科...
2024Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science doi:10.1007/s44254-024-00074-2 journal article Open Access Collection Efficacy of sevoflurane flush out and activated charcoal filtration—a bench study Mörtl, Maximilian;Schwaiger, Daniel;Lederer, Wolfgang;Weiss, Florentin;Chawaguta, Anesu;Wiesenhofer, Helm...
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science (APS) is the official journal launched by Tianfu Society of Anesthesiology (TFSA).
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science (APS) is the official journal launched by Tianfu Society of Anesthesiology (TFSA).
Aims and scope Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science (APS) is the official journal launched by Tianfu Society of Anesthesiology (TFSA). It is a quarterly and peer-reviewed (single-blind) Open Access journal that publishes high-quality cutting-edge articles on all aspects of anesthesiology and pe...
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science (APS) is the official journal launched by Tianfu Society of Anesthesiology (TFSA).
每月《Anesthesiology》杂志会从最新出版的科学、医学及麻醉学杂志(SCIENCE, MEDICINE, AND THE ANESTHESIOLOGIST)中选出与麻醉学专业密切相关的专业文献进行介绍;同时从《Anesthesiology》杂志中选出重点推介的最新文献。 本期《Anesthesiology》杂志节选的文章主要包括:31.系统性综述:2010年至2020年南美洲与欧洲麻醉医师围手...
Anesthesia-related (near) critical incidents occur in 5% of anesthetic procedures and are largely dependent on the skills and up-to-date knowledge of the whole perioperative team in the specific needs for children. An investment in continuous medical education of the perioperative staff is required ...
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science Aims and scope Submit manuscript Nicolò Brandi & Matteo Renzulli 1193 Accesses 2 Citations 4 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS...