Anesthesia monitors are used to record and display the delivery of anesthetic substances, like gases, drugs, and fluids, to the patient. During surgeries, these are used to check the patient's health and reaction to the indication of anesthesia. The integration of various functionalities, such as...
Anesthesia monitors are used to record and display the delivery of anesthetic substances, like gases, drugs, and fluids to the patient. During surgeries, these are used to check the patients’ health and reaction to the indication of anesthesia. The integration of various functionalities, such as...
There is a level of agreement in the literature regarding the drugs used for RSI, mostly on the role of ketamine as a sedative and analgesic. Moreover, muscle relaxation is crucial and fundamental for successful orotracheal intubation. Laryngeal manipulation maneuvers such as BURP (backward, upward...
Temperature, specifically hypothermia, may affect the DNC clinical assessment via depression of brain metabolism and function, or indirectly through the accumulation of confounding drugs from temperature-related changes in pharmacokinetics. With high emphasis on avoiding false-positive determination (i.e., ...
General anesthesia (GA) is a state of hypnosis, free of pain, and sensation, throughout the whole body by the delivery of anesthetic drugs for some medical conditions and surgical activities [3]. The incidence of postoperative delirium varies from 0 to 73.5%. The incidence varies with the ...
Discussion: Short acting spinal anesthetic drugs have been on the anesthesia development waiting list for a long time. With cp, already known from epidural anesthesia and peripheral blocks, we now have with the 1% isobaric solution a possibility to apply a spinalTAR Palas...
Concerns regarding the side effects of the traditional antiemetic drugs have increased the interest in using non-pharmacologic technologies to prevent PONV recently. A meta-analysis suggested that acupuncture on Neiguan (P6) showed evidence in PONV prevention [5], however, the majority included studies...
“bringing a patient into lateral recumbent position”, “diagnosing a cardiac arrest”, “utilizing the basic life support algorithms”) and preparation of general anesthesia (“setting up an iv-drip for infusion”, “preparing drugs for intravenous application”, “establishing a peripheral iv ...
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