It belongs to the phylum Cnidaria. The distinguishing feature of cnidarians is nematocysts, specialized venomous organs that the animals use mainly for capturing prey and protecting themselves from predators. There are over one thousand species of sea anemone reported worldwide and of which 40 ...
Sea anemones are among the most diverse and successful members of the (Phylum: Cnidaria, Class: Anthozoan) subclass Hexacorallia, occupying benthic marine habitats across all depths and latitudes. Many species of sea anemones inhabit rocky shores, especially where there is tide pools in which ...
Although 28S rDNA allowed for the classification of distinct genera, it could not confirm that species of Urticina and Cribrinopsis, which appeared to be closely related, were correctly separated into two different genera. The nuclear tree revealed inconsistencies between specimens belonging to ...