Prevalence of anemia and compliance to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines for workup and treatment of anemia among patients diagnosed with gynecologic cancerdoi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2019.03.148S. MehtaD. HufnagelC. EzekweL.S. Prescott...
While some people’s body’s may make quick work of this, others may struggle to reap the benefits of foods high in iron. Antacid drugs like proton pump inhibitors can make it increasingly hard for people to absorb iron. Further, surgeries like the gastric bypass surgeries can inhibi...
Packed RBCs increase the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. In hospitalized clients, transfusion of RBCs increases hemoglobin concentration and is the primary treatment for anemia. Guidelines support transfusing clients with symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, on the assumption that the increased ...
the mean age was 59.6 years and the mean LVEF was 35.8%. The median follow-up period was 868 days. Among the patients, 550 (81.2%) underwent no ferritin tests and only 50 (7.4%) underwent regular ferritin evaluations. According to prevailing guidelines, patients with reduced EF ought to...
This study follows the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER; Supplementary Table 1). All code used for these analyses is publicly available at and https://github....
International guidelines recommend regular screening for iron deficiency and anemia in IBD patients, with tests including full blood counts, C-reactive protein, and ferritin assessments. Further diagnostic workup is needed if iron deficiency or inflammation do not explain the cause of the anemia. Even...
Rather than relying on a single laboratory test value, in patients without an apparent cause for a low Hb level, the value should be confirmed to be below the threshold values for diagnosis of anemia prior to initiating a diagnostic work up. Investigation of anemia RATIONALE Complete blood ...
Many of these (HbA-C, HbC-C, HbA-D, heterozygous thalassemia) are usually diagnosed only during the workup of a patient with mild, iron-unresponsive anemia.112REFERENCES 1 Little MP, Brocard P, Elliott P, Steer PJ. Hemoglobin concentration in pregnancy and perinatal mortality: A London-...
Mixed Cbl/folate deficiency complicates the interpretation of the laboratory workup of megaloblastic anemia (Table 1.1). Falsely normal levels of Cbl are rare with clinically overt deficiency but may be observed in association with myeloproliferative disorders, liver disease, intestinal bacterial ...
This activity discusses the diagnosis, management, and collaborative care of acute anemia. Participants enhance their skills in differentiating etiologies, implementing resuscitation measures, and applying evidence-based guidelines. Additionally, this activity aims to foster effective collaboration with specialists...