When the body loses red blood cells, the tissues cannot get enough oxygen to operate correctly. Whatever the cause of anemia, the first symptom is tiredness. Sometimes, as in sudden blood loss, the tiredness is swift and can lead to death. Other types of anemia may come on gradually and...
Diseases and Disease Treatments. Chronic diseases, like kidney disease and cancer, and their treatments, can make it hard for your body to make enough red blood cells.Pregnancy. Anemia can occur during pregnancy due to low levels of iron and folic acid and changes in the blood. ...
1.Capable of causing infection:an infectious microorganism. 2.Capable of being transmitted by infection:an infectious disease. 3.Capable of transmitting a disease; contagious:Is the patient still infectious? in·fec′tious·lyadv. in·fec′tious·nessn. ...
anemia of chronic disease אנמיה ממחלה כרונית 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“anemia"翻译成 希伯来文 变形 干 With that kind of anemia, he would' ve needed constant אם כזו אנמיה הו היה זקו...
(Anemia of chronic inflammatory disease, AID) ,慢性肾衰竭,代谢性疾病、药物或中毒、传染性疾病(如细小病毒感染,parvovirus)、骨髓相关疾病、单纯红血球再生不良、肿瘤及 15714 elona吧 ScaniaBus1号 【整合帖】变异,特徵列表(未齐全) from ELONA 中文WIKI目前内容尚不完整 以下为突变药水测试结果 突变时讯息,You...
+ 添加翻译 英文-中文字典 溶血性貧血 form of anemia due to hemolysis wikidata 溶血性贫血 noun Open Multilingual Wordnet 阿布勒米氏病 agrovoc 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ hemolytic anemia "自动翻译成 中文 血溶性贫血症 Glosbe Translate 溶血性贫血 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译...
WikiMatrix The most significant risk ofhookworminfection isanemia, secondary to loss of iron (and protein) in the gut. Le risque le plus caractéristique de l'infection parl'ankylostomeestl’anémie, consécutive à la perte de fer (et de protéines) dans l'intestin. ...
Intermittentdialysis –Continuedialysis •Functionsof hemodialysis Indications&Complications •Indications –Acute&chronicrenalfailure –Drugpoisoning –Refractoryedema –MetabolicDisturbances •Complications –Lowbloodpressure –Fatigue –Nausea –Iron-deficiencyAnemia:bloodlossfromthe techniqueofhemodialysis Anemia ...
Anemia of chronic disease is usually mild but can be severe. Anemia e sëmundjeve kronike zakonisht është normocitike, por mund të jetë mikrocitike. WikiMatrix ● Avoid traveling to high altitudes if you have a respiratory ailment or anemia. ● Mos udhëto në lartë...
Although not life-threatening on its own, it can affect quality of life due to the anemia. Anche se non è pericolosa per la vita, la condizione può influire sulla qualità della vita causando anemia. WikiMatrix Also, since depression can have a physical cause, check to see if you ...