Other labs include a serum iron level of 76 mcg/dL, total iron binding capacity (TIBC) of 217 mcg/dL, iron saturation of 35 %, total serum ferritin level of 207 ng/mL, a reticulocyte production index of 0.7, a parathyroid hormone level of 220 pg/mL, and a hemoglobin A1C of 7.3 %...
- evidence of objective blood loss: melana, BRBPR, stool occult - angular cheilitis iron deficiency anemia labs LOW - Hgb - MCV ( < 80) - serum iron ferritin HIGH - TIBC - transferrin - RDW - hypochromic RBC - blood smear: anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, cigar shaped RBC, ellip...
What are the 4 types of microcytic, hypochromic anemias? 1. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)2. Sideroblastic anemia (acquired and inherited)3. Thalassemias (genetic disorder)4. Some anemias of inflammation or chronic disease which evolved into IDA. What are the 2 types of dietary iron? 1. Heme...
Falls after Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) Transferrin Saturation decreased (<5-9%) Serum Iron to Total Iron Binding Capacity Falls after Serum Ferritin Serum Transferrin receptor assay (new) Increased in Iron Deficiency Anemia Normal in Anemia of Chronic Disease Other diagnostic tests (indicated...
She was managed on 300 mg of vedolizumab every 4 weeks. Prior failure to medications includes anti-tumor necrosis factor inhibitors and tofacitinib. Labs were consistent with albumin 4.5 mg/dL and CRP < 1 mg/dL. Iron studies revealed low iron, TIBC and ferritin levels. Fecal calprotectin ...