Anaemiadeliverypregnancypostpartum periodThe objective of the study was to assess the prevalence of anaemia in the immediate postpartum period (48-72hours), determine the risk factors and the value of haemoglobin before birth to reduce postpartum anaemia. A prospective, observational and longitudinal ...
Anemia del embarazo en la Provincia de Concepcion, Chile: relacion con el estado nutricional materno y el crecimiento fetal. Arch Latinoamericanos Nutr. 2008;58(2). Disponible en: /anemia_embarazo_crecimiento_fetal.asp...
180 pregnant women aged 20-29 with iron-deficiency anemia were studied at "Eusebio Hern谩ndez" Gynecoobstetric Hospital, from 1996 to 1997, aimed at knowing the effect of nutritional care and iron supplementation on the levels of serum iron. 2 groups of 90 expectants each were created: the...
Prevalencia de anemia del embarazo y analisis de sus factores condicionantes. Atencion Primaria, v. 29, n. 3, 2002.GH Maria, P Fazio, S Rubbio, A Baistracchi, G Sagar, AGelemur. Prevalencia de anemia del embarazo y analisis de sus factores condicionantes. (articulo en linea). ...
Prevalencia de anemia y riesgo de hemoconcentración durante los 3 trimestres de embarazo y factores de riesgodoi:10.20960/nh.1045MEDITERRANEAN RegionANEMIAHEMATOCRITPREGNANCY complicationsTHIRD trimester of pregnancySECOND trimester of pregnancyFIRST trimester of pregnancy...
Clínica e Investigación en Ginecología y ObstetriciaRomero G, Oropeza G, Cruz R, Castillo C, Rosas A, Torres M. La eritropoyetina y su efecto sobre la anemia del emba- razo y la frecuencia cardiaca fetal: Arch Ginecol Obstet 2001;39:57-67....
the aplastic anemia during pregnancy is a rare event associated with a high morbidity and mortality mother and foetal.Álvarez BarrancoLuis CarlosBarrosJoséLadrón de GuevaraMicheleUniversidad del NorteSalud Uninorte