1.a reduction in the hemoglobin of red blood cells with consequent deficiency of oxygen in the blood, leading to weakness and pallor. 2.a lack of power, vigor, vitality, or colorfulness. [1800–10; < New Latin < Greekanaimíawant of blood. Seean-1,-emia] ...
The diagnosis of canine IMHA is typically based on identifying moderate to large numbers of spherocytes, autoagglutination after saline dilution, or a positive direct Coombs test in a dog with a moderate to severe, regenerative anemia. Spherocytosis (i.e., increased spherocytes) is a subjective...
Treatment of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in the cat is similar to treatment in the dog. Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in cats, however, is usually secondary to either feline leukemia virus or hemobartonellosis(Mycoplasma hemofelis).FeLV-associated hemolytic anemia is indistinguishable from immu...
21 Hemolysis can also occur in patients with cardiac valve disease prior to corrective surgery.18 The anemia that occurs in severe cases is usually normocytic but can be microcytic if iron deficiency develops due to chronic urinary hemoglobin loss. Depending on the severity of the hemolysis and ...
In dogs, this organism is transmitted by the brown dog tick, but its method of transmission is unusual. The tick picks up the organism from an infected host while biting the animal. An uninfected carnivore then gets the disease by eating the tick, not from being bitten by the tick. ...
Objective: To gain insight into vitamin A deficiency as a cause of anemia. Methods: Comprehensive review of the scientific literature. Results: Although vitamin A deficiency is recognized to cause anemia, ‘vitamin A deficiency anemia’ lacks complete ch
One might speculate that the decreased blood flow and increased vascular resistance in these patients might be due partially to impediment of flow through vessels damaged by the disease process, and cerebral arteriolar thickening has been noted in pathologic studies of brains from patients dying with ...
due to a prolonged sequestration of iron [4,5,10], these findings are not currently recognized as pathognomonic for CHA. Moreover, microcytosis can be found in certain Asian dog breeds or in other conditions such as portosystemic shunts (PSS) [4,10]. In our study, neither patients from...
Forty-nine patients with severe aplastic anemia, 33 due to unknown cause, 11 drug or chemical related, 2 associated with hepatitis, 1 with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, and 2 possibly associated with Fanconi syndrome did not show recovery after 0.5–96 (median 2) mo of conventional therapy...
An uncommon cause of PNS-associated anemia is myelophthisis (bone marrow invasion/crowding out), and it is most commonly caused by leukemias.1Also uncommon is bone marrow hypoplasia due tohyperestrogenism.Sertoli celltumors in the maledogandgranulosa celltumors of the female dog are associ...