Gonocoxite: Length approximately three times median width, basal tergomesal lobe well developed, with 5–7 long and strong setae. Gonostylus: Narrow, simple, and long, slightly curved apically. Aedeagus strongly sclerotized, simple and ovate. Larva. Unknown. Pupa. Unknown. Systematics. ...
Cabral, J.; Perea, H.; Marques Figueiredo, P.; Besana-Ostman, G.; Brum Da Silveira, A.; Cunha, P.P.; Gomes, A.; Lopes, F.; Pereira, D.; Rockwell, T. Preliminary results of a paleoseismological study of the Vilariça fault. In Proceedings of the 1ª Reunión Ibérica Sobre...