In the 1920s, the distant galaxy became part of the Great Debate between American astronomers Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis. At the time, astronomers thought the Milky Way composed the whole universe, and the strange patches such as Andromeda (known as "nebulas" at the time) lay inside of...
The Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million light-years from our solar system and is the closest spiral galaxy to us. It probably looks a lot like our own Milky Way. There’s probably also some dork taking a picture of us at the same time I was taking this picture of them. Of course, the ...
"While hints of coherent structures have been previously detected in M31, this is the first time they have been seen with such detail and clarity in a galaxy beyond the Milky Way," the authors write in their paper. "The observations reveal intricate coherent kinematic structure in the positions...
Mass Effect: Andromeda Mass Effect: Andromeda starts around 2185, as the Andromeda Initiative embarked on an ambitious goal to settle the Andromeda galaxy by traveling in large vessels known as arks. A coalition of Milky Way races — which includes human
Yes. The smugglers, as well as the Nexus, shouldn’t be able to trade with the Angara based on milky way credits and stealing Nexus goods to build a whole working town is bonkers. Shamus covered all that in the last entry. But if you (teeth grinding) accept that they did. Goods like...
the kett took my family. “Scooped them up”, as we say. My mother Joevett wasn’t there that day, so she wasn’t taken—but she was changed forever. You see, the Roekaar prey on survivors like her. A cell recruited her to fight the kett—then the “Milky Way intruders”, and...
It is also a large satellite, with a half-light radius close to 1 kpc, making it the fourth largest Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxy after the recently discovered Andromeda XIX, Andromeda II and Sagittarius around the Milky Way, and supports the trend that M31 satellites are larger than ...
03/07/07 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MOLECULAR CLOUDS IN M31, M33 AND THE MILKY WAY We present BIMA observations of a 2' field in the northeastern spiral arm of M31. In this region we find six giant molecular clouds (GMCs) that have a mean diameter of 57 卤 13 pc, a mean velocity ...
BioWare has announcedMass Effect 4will be calledMass Effect Andromeda, the name of the galaxy in which the game is set. Rumours earlier this year -including aleakedBioWare survey –suggestedthat the game would indeed leave the Milky Way behind, and now those rumours have been conifirmed...
M31 is a giant spiral galaxy similar to the Milky Way but with roughly twice the mass. The galaxy’s spiral structure is clearly seen in optical images (e.g., Figure 1), as are prominent dust lanes, especially NW of the central bulge. That the dust lanes are visible in the NW but ...