The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage...
// The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2 implementation"${camerax_version}" implementation"${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library implemen...
默认的前置camera, 文字”XI”在preview时显示为”IX”(前置camera preview时默认会有mirror效果), 拍摄出来的照片为"XI",如何让拍摄出来的照片也是”IX” , 也就是和preview时保持一致? 对于普通单拍(非ZSD或其他拍照模式), 需要修改的代码为normalShot.cpp文件中的onCmd_capture()方法, 将原来的 bool NormalS...
首先,在你的build.gradle文件中添加camera库的依赖。确保你使用的是androidx版本的库。 gradle dependencies { implementation "" implementation "" implementation "" implementation...
camera: 0.2.9+1 cloud_firestore: 0.8.2+3 cloud_functions: 0.0.5 connectivity: 0.3.2 device_info: 0.3.0 firebase_admob: 0.7.0 firebase_analytics: 1.1.0 firebase_auth: 0.7.0 firebase_core: 0.2.5+1 firebase_database: 1.0.5 firebase_dynamic_links: 0.1.1 ...
类似的 bug 会出现在一些高版本的 androidx 相关库文件中,如: Failed to transform camera-extensions-1.4.0-alpha05.aar Failed to transform lifecycle-livedata-core-2.8.0.aar Failed to transform appcompat-resources-1.7.0.aar ··· 如果升级的库包含以上 package 都可能触发 R8/D8 的 bug,因为 androi...
// CameraX 核心库def camerax_version ="1.0.0-alpha05"// CameraX viewdef camerax_view_version ="1.0.0-alpha02"// CameraX 扩展 librarydef camerax_ext_version ="1.0.0-alpha02"implementation"$camerax_version"//如果你要使用Camera2的扩展功能implementation"
tmwebs closed issue #880: Could not resolve androidx.core:core:1.6.+. URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the ...
when I use mediapipe version 0.8.2 ,build hand_tracking_aar for android,I used a demo that someone else can compile APK successfully.but If I replace it with my AAR, it will prompt error,Hope to get help : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:...
只要其支持 Camera2 API,开发者就可以按照标准的接口进行开发,无需为每个设备单独编写适配代码。...向后兼容性:虽然 Camera2 是在 Android 5.0(API 21)及以上版本引入的,但它在设计上考虑了向后兼容性。...在较新的 Android 版本中,Camera2 不断得到优化和完善,同时也能够在一定程度上兼容旧版本的特性和功能...