Your Android SDK is missing, out of date, or corrupted. Please update to the latest version. 这种情况通常是因为Android开发工具无法找到正确的SDK路径。因此,我们需要检查一下ANDROID_SDK_ROOT的值,这是一个环境变量,指示Android Studio和其他Android开发工具SDK的位置。
行 错误提示是:emulator:ERROR:ThisAVD’sconfigurationismissingakernelfile!Pleaseensurethefile“kernel-ranchu”isinthesamelocationasyoursystemimage.emulator:ERROR Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Can‘t find ‘Linux version ‘ string in kernel image file ...
正在读取状态信息... 完成 Package ia32-libs is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it: lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 E: Package 'ia32-li...
最近又需要安装安卓的东东了,感觉Android Studio每次安装都会有各种问题。 今天记录一个 首先会看到The Android SDK location canot be at the filesystem root这个提醒,然后点击android sdk location的后面的edit的话会提示下面的错 错误二: SDK emulator directory is missing mac... ...
emulator: WARN: /Users/testcomputer/Library/Android/sdk is not a directory, and canot be sdk root INFO | checking ANDROID_SDK_ROOT for valid sdk root. WARNING | platforms subdirectory is missing under /usr/local/share/android-commandlinetools, please install it emulator: WARN...