Adds these artifacts to the download cache under android-x64-release. #9253 cc @chingjun add some new artifacts 15db448 Contributor fluttergithubbot commented Oct 1, 2019 It looks like this pull request may not have tests. Please make sure to add tests before merging. While there are ex...
以下是一个使用OkHttp库的示例: classDownloadTask(privatevalurl:String,privatevalcallback:DownloadCallback){privatevalclient=OkHttpClient()funstart(){valrequest=Request.Builder().url(url).build()client.newCall(request).enqueue(object:Callback{overridefunonFailure(call:Call,e:IOException){callback.onDo...多多自然码v3.1.0.127, x64(ime/tsf) -- 支持win82.小小自然码v20120104, x64内置精简版(ime)3.Rime-小狼毫自然码v0.9.20.1, x64精简版(ime)--Update4.微软传统输入法自然码(ime)v2003x64, ...
首先,去Java官网上(下载JDK,不想去官网下载的,可以从我的bd网盘下载( 提取码:vgja ),我用的JDK版本是1.8.0,直接解压到我们需要安装的路径即可,如果是在官网下载的,需要注意,我们下...
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.401\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor.StaticWebAssets.targets(680,7): error : Manifest file at 'obj\Debug\net6.0-android\android-x64\' not found. ...
Using File Explorer, find the downloaded .mcpack. As in iOS, Android, so in Windows 10 or 11, by default, all downloaded files are contained in the "Downloads" folder. In the drop-down menu, open the pack using the Minecraft PE (Bedrock) application. It will take some time to import...
-f $onnxruntime_version/jni/x86_64/ ]; then mkdir -p $onnxruntime_version pushd $onnxruntime_version wget -q${onnxruntime_version}/onnxruntime-android-${onnxruntime_version}.zip unzip onnxruntime...
As in iOS, Android, so in Windows 10 or 11, by default, all downloaded files are contained in the "Downloads" folder. In the drop-down menu, open the pack using the Minecraft PE (Bedrock) application. It will take some time to import. After successful import, yo...
(1)下载JDK: (2)解压到安装目录下(目录自定,下同):/home/你的名字/tools/ (3)修改环境变量:sudo gedit ~/.bashrc 在最下面添加: export JAVA_HOME=/home/你的名字/tools/jdk1.7.0_01 ...
sudo ln -s /home/user1/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb /usr/bin/ 如果出现错误:Failed to fetch URL, reason: No name matching found ...