To transfer WhatsApp account information, profile photo, individual chats, group chats, chat history, media, and settings to new iPhone when switching from Android, the Move to iOS app is recommended by both the WhatsApp and Apple official. What Are Needed: Android device running Android OS Lo...
To move your WhatsApp data from your iPhone to a Galaxy phone, you’ll need a Lightning to USB-C cable. Note that if you have two separate WhatsApp backups (one on Google Drive and one on iCloud), the new transfer tool won’t merge them. Instead, what will happen is that when y...
When WhatsApp eventually releases it, users moving from an Android phone to an iPhone won't be forced to lose their chat histories or rely on unofficial methods and software. It's unclear when the transfer tool will surface, as the company is unpredictable when it comes to releasing new ...
The app is easy to install and it is really easy to track WhatsApp with it. But it is always better to notify your kids that they are being tracked and this can really make them be careful about having unnecessary conversations and other online activities. Along with Whatsapp conversations,...
Group chats show the profile photos of their participants. These features will roll out over the coming weeks. Thanks for using WhatsApp! The App provides so many features to make easy chatting for the users, while in the chat window with your friends or group chat, you can share images,...
Let's cut a long story short and discuss why it's important to backup WhatsApp chats to mac from iPhone. WhatsApp is the most prominent tool for communication. It has almost 1.5 billion users worldwide. There are several reasons behind its popularity. People use it to share different files...
1. 使用ChatsBack取回WhatsApp數據安全嗎? 2. 如何爲我的裝置安裝驅動程式? 3. 如何將自訂WhatsApp更新爲官方WhatsApp? 4. 如何在小米/紅米上開啟USB調試? 5. 如何將USB配置更改爲MTP/PTP? 常見問題 熱門話題: 4招找回 iPhone 上的 WhatsApp 對話記錄!
imo, it is all about making communication easy. It's not just another messaging app; it's a platform that lets you send texts and voice messages andmake video calls without any international call charges. And hey, you can even create group chats to bring everyone into the conversation. ...
Then you can easily backup WhatsApp on Android to Google Drive. Part 2. How to Backup iPhone WhatsApp Chats to Google Drive and Computer Google Drive is mainly designed for Android users and it is incompatible with iOS. So, there is no straight-forward way to back up your WhatsApp chats...
1. Open WhatsApp on your Android phone. 2. Head towards the Chat, and then Long Press the contact or group whose chat you want to hide. 3. Then tap on Archive chat and it will move the chat to Archived Chats. That’s all! FOR IPHONE 1. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone. 2. Head ...