Android has come a very long way since it was first back in 2008. It has now been virtualized with the progress of technology and computing. This is why we put together a list of the best Android OS for PC. These are particularly tested for Windows 11/10 with 64-bit support only and...
WSA 安装包1号(安卓12)【下载地址1】,【下载地址2】(访问密码:acgmoe)X64 系统使用,正式版 WSA(2210.400000.7.0)下载,Magisk25.2,OpenGApps 谷歌框架 pico,ROOT,移除亚马逊应用市场2022-11-30更新 WSA 安装包2号(安卓13)【下载地址1】,【下载地址2】(访问密码:acgmoe)X64 系统使用,正式版 WSA(2310.40000.2....
X86_64 5.1..如题,昨晚发现的好东西,在CM13x64与官方Android6.0x64上激活成功。RemixOS PC版2.0/3.0没试,不过应该支持。。。1楼备用为链接来自星星的iPod Touch 62楼上cm13的图来自星星的iPod Touch 6
system on your hard drive/USB drive. This is the only Android x-86 fork that currently offering updates and hopefully, they will continue to do so in the future. This is one Android operating system for the computer which is based onAndroid 7.The downside is annoying ads and built-in ...
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8_8.2212.15002.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.Appx右键选择应用安装程序打开安装 开始安装… 安装Windows for Android 将下载的压缩包解压,然后将解压后的文件夹名改为WSA,不然解压后的文件夹名太长了。 注意:解压后的压缩包,建议放在C盘或者其他不会变动的文件夹下,后面安装后,这个文件夹就是Andro...
cd "{X:\path\to\your\extracted\folder}" Input the command below and press enter PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Install.ps1 The script will run and Windows Subsystem For Android™ will be installed If this workaround does not work, your PC is not supported for WSA Once...
在极少数情况下,会出现与驱动有关的错误,这可能就是你没有安装 adb 驱动 资源 by:晨中网络科技进入提取码 intr) 下载.7z 文件并解压 在里面根据系统型号选择程序 32 选择 x32 64 选择 x64 这时问题应该就解决了 ...
安装文件包括JLink_Windows_V756_x86_64,nrf-command-line-tools-10.18.1-x64,nrfconnect-setup-3.12.0-ia32,VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.73.1。ncs_v2.2.0-rc1。相关文件可在我的百度网盘下载得到,提取码:sgo4 Nrf52833开发板,见淘宝小店Nrf52833开发板 ...
You might be aware that you can run application in your PC too. For that you have todownload and installAndroid emulatorin your PC whether it’s a windows device or a MAC device? We have created this page to help to you get that on your computer without any problem. ...