1. 解释“android waiting for a blocking gc alloc”的含义 “Android waiting for a blocking gc alloc”是一个在Android应用开发中可能遇到的性能问题,通常出现在应用的日志中。这句话意味着Android系统正在等待垃圾收集器(Garbage Collector, GC)完成内存回收操作,以便为新的内存分配腾出空间。由于垃圾收集是一个...
GC触发条件在 art/runtime/gc/gc_cause.h 中定义: //What caused the GC?enumGcCause {//Invalid GC cause used as a placeholder.kGcCauseNone,//GC triggered by a failed allocation. Thread doing allocation is blocked waiting for GC before retrying allocation.kGcCauseForAlloc,//A background GC t...
// (This may be a blocking GC depending on whether we run a non-concurrent collector). kGcCauseForNativeAlloc, // GC triggered for a collector transition. kGcCauseCollectorTransition, // Not a real GC cause, used when we disable moving GC (currently for GetPrimitiveArrayCritical). kGc...
我正在使用OSMdroid库开发一个离线地图视图。我的瓷砖源可以加载瓷砖,但渲染速度较慢。然而,在我的日志消息中,我一直收到以下错误信息:GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6346K, 7% free , paused 143ms, total 143ms。我不确定如何调试这个问题?有什么想法吗?我是否有内存泄漏?
- GC_FOR_ALLOC: 当堆内存不够的时候容易被触发,尤其是new一个对象的时候,很容易被触发到,所以如果要加速启动,可以提高dalvik.vm.heapstartsize的值,这样在启动过程中可以减少GC_FOR_ALLOC的次数。注意这个触发是以同步的方式进行的。如果GC后仍然没有空间,则堆进行扩张 ...
Returns the number of thread-local non-concurrent GC invocations between a #startAllocCounting() start and #stopAllocCounting() stop. ThresholdClass This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from Object) ThresholdTyp...
if (gDvm.allocProf.enabled) { Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf(); gDvm.allocProf.allocCount++; gDvm.allocProf.allocSize += size; if (self != NULL) { self->allocProf.allocCount++; self->allocProf.allocSize += size; } } } else { ...
37 // (This may be a blocking GC depending on whether we run a non-concurrent collector). 38 kGcCauseForNativeAlloc, 39 // GC triggered for a collector transition. 40 kGcCauseCollectorTransition, 41 // Not a real GC cause, used when we disable moving GC (currently for GetPrimitiveArray...
Describe the bug Go to first Season. Select first episode. Experience the crash Logs client: Jellyfin for Android TV client_version: 0.14.3 client_repository: https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-androidtv type: crash_report format: mark...