Control your TV from your smartphone or tablet Android TV Remote Control is a free mobile app developed for the Android platform that allows users to connect to their Android TV and navigate their content with ease. Like a glorified traditional TV remote, Android TV Remote Control provides additi...
Pobierz Android TV Remote Control [PL] Unduh Android TV Remote Control [ID] Download do Android TV Remote Control [PT] Tải xuống Android TV Remote Control [VI] Android TV Remote Control herunterladen [DE] ダウンロードAndroid TV Remote Control [JA] Télécharger Android TV Remote Con...
Below are the steps to install and set up the remote control app on your Android mobile device. Reminder: You need an Android device running Android 4.3 or higher to use the Android TV Remote Control app. Clickhereto know how to check your Android version. On your mobile device, go to...
If you are having trouble connecting the Android TV Remote Control app to your TCL Android TV, try the following troubleshooting steps below. Check your wireless connection If you are connecting through Wi-Fi, make sure your mobile device is on the same network as your TCL ...
android tv remote control使用于所有配置安卓系统的平板电视,它是基于谷歌服务的,所以全平台通用,适用于索尼、三星、小米、海信等电视品牌,是您通过手机遥控电视的必备软件! Android TV Remote Service简介 这是一项允许将你的安卓手机或平板电脑作为安卓电视的遥控器使用的服务。在d-pad和触摸板模式之间轻松切换,在你...
The Remote Control for Android TV app will turn your smartphone into a fully functional remote for your Android Smart TV. It enhances your TV-watching experience by making it more versatile and convenient, and it can also manage multiple devices with just one app. You might wonder why you ne...
App 名称:TvRemoteIME 虽然针对智能电视,市面上已经有很多免费的商业应用,例如:悟空遥控器、快点投屏等,这些已经非常好用了,但是开源的项目依然值得我们借鉴和研究。 二、TvRemoteIME TvRemoteIME 本身除了基本的控制之外,还包含了一些例如:App 的安装和运行、视频播放、文件系...
Remote Control for Android TV will transform your smartphone into a complete Android Smart TV remote. It will help you diversify your daily TV routine and make it more convenient for you to use your new Android TV remote. Also, it can handle several different devices with only one Android TV...
DoNews 9月29日消息(刘文轩)Google 已经推出基于 Google TV 应用的解决方案,相应的,一些旧版本应用接下来可能会面临下架。Android Police 已经发现 Android TV Remote Control 已经从 Google Play Store 下架。 虽然和具有实体按键的遥控器相比,Android TV Remote Control 应用的使用体验并不好,但作为一个应急方案,在...
Android TV is relatively straightforward: supply a set of metadata and media for the Play Store and test the app on a device (or emulator). However, the user interface of the Tailscale app is built withGio, that until recently didn’t have the necessary support for TV remote control. ...