前一阵子把树莓派 Raspberry Pi 3B+ 换成了 4B,这下可以在上面装Android TV了,赶快搞起来让老婆在每个屋子都有电视看。 树莓派4B与USB小遥控器 1. 安装Android TV 这部分其实网上也有一些教程了,写一下方便别人也是方便自己。 首先我选择的是konstakang提供的基于LineageOS 18.1的Android TV 11操作系统。 Image可...
树莓派4B:https://konstakang.com/devices/rpi4/ 树莓派3B:https://konstakang.com/devices/rpi3/ 目前Android11比较稳定,其次Android12配套的Gapp还未进行匹配。 (LineageOS 18.1 Android TV - KonstaKANG (Android 11)) 官方刷机教程:https://konstakang.com/devices/rpi4/LineageOS18-ATV/ 点击下载即可 Gapp下...
1. 下载所需要的文件 在https://konstakang.com/devices/rpi4/网站中,打开LineageOS 17.1 Android TV - KonstaKANG (Android 10)页面,下载其中的lineage-17.1-20200815-UNOFFICIAL-KonstaKANG-rpi4-atv.zip和recovery2boot,再去https://sourceforge.net/projects/opengapps/files/arm/20200927/中下载open_gapps-arm-1...
Here’s my build of LineageOS 20 Android TV for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, Pi 400, and Compute Module 4. It is unofficial and unsupported by the LineageOS team. It’s foradvanced usersonly. Pi 4 model with at least 2GB of RAM is required to run this build. Important!Raspberry Pi hardwa...
Mount the USB device on your computer and make following changes to /boot/config.txt under ‘Boot device’ section: #dtoverlay=android-sdcard dtoverlay=android-usb Plug in the USB device to your Raspberry Pi, remove any sdcard, and boot ...
为了实现这一转变,你需要准备树莓派3B/4B,至少2GB RAM,SD卡(我用的是8GB+256GB),HDMI转接线,以及可能需要的风扇。刷机过程相对简单,Raspberry Pi Imager是推荐的工具。(所需设备与刷机步骤)在刷入系统后,可能会遇到分区问题,这时需要使用TWRP工具进行resize操作,将SD卡的空闲空间充分利用。至于...
It’s easy to make an older 'dumb' TV feel new by attaching anAndroid TV box or stick, but it’s not quite that simple when you just have a Raspberry Pi for your DIY project. Even though the homebrew tinkering flagbearer uses the same ARM architecture as most Android devices, porting...
Using Android TV on your Raspberry Pi and connecting it to your TV is an excellent alternative to Kodi (withOSMC or LibreElec). The system is more intuitive, as you can install apps directly from the Play Store, and it works well out of the box. The installation has improved over the ...
Readers like you help support XDA. When you make a purchase using links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Read More. latest I turned my non-smart TV into an Android TV with Raspberry Pi — here’s how you can too Raspberry Pi If you want to modernize your older...
4、将SD卡插入Raspberry Pi 5、安装以下示意图将Raspberry Pi与外设链接 Raspberry Pi连接示意图 示意图中1通过USB线缆连接电源适配器,2通过网线连接到局域网,3通过HDMI线缆连接显示器。 6、验证Android Things已经运行在设备上了。然后就能看到Raspberry Pi的信...