步骤 1. 下载并安装 Android 到 PC USB 传输 步骤 2. 将 Android 设备连接到 PC 步骤 3. 一键将所有数据从 Android 传输到 PC 提示:如何使用 USB 将照片从 Android 传输到 PC?您还可以使用 Android to PC USB Transfer 来完成。当您进入“超级工具包”并单击“备份”图标时,您将在列表中看到“照片”...
Turn your smartphone into a masterpiece Your phone is important, with files and information you may not have anywhere else.Android Transferfor PCallows you to manage all your smartphone's files from your computer. It's one of the most reliable products on the market and a trustworthy alternar...
Android Transfer for PC最新版是一款功能十分强劲实用的数据传输软件,Android Transfer for PC最新版主要适用于安卓用户使用,以安装应用程序和文件传输到您的Android设备,也可以用来在手机和电脑之间传输信息,非常方便快捷。 Android Transfer for PC软件特色
Supported OS:Android File Transfer for Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7I'm a Mac user, I'll try Android File Transfer for Mac. Free Trial Version: 13 Buy Now $39.95 Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 I never knew there was a PC Suite for Android until I came across this amazing software. ...
Android Transfer for PC最新版是一款功能十分强劲实用的数据传输软件,Android Transfer for PC最新版主要适用于安卓用户使用,以安装应用程序和文件传输到您的Android设备,也可以用来在手机和电脑之间传输信息,非常方便快捷。 Android Transfer for PC软件图集
Android Transfer allows you to send and respond directly to the conversation messages on your PC. Transfer text and media data easily Manage files in SD card Restore files to your Android device wirelessly or with the USB cable. Managing your mobile files with convenience. Convert video and ...
Part 2: Transfer Photos from Android to PC via Microsoft Photos Part 3: Import Photos from Android to PC via Google Photos Part 4: Send Photos from Android to PC Using Bluetooth Relevant reading:It's easier for Android to transfer data to a Windows computer. But due to compatibility issues...
Droid Transfer允许用户通过PC查看其Android音乐库,并播放或与任何联系人共享音乐。您还可以将iTunes与Android同步并传输音乐。3.转移,备份和还原联系人 Droid Transfer提供了惊人的功能,可以将联系人从手机导入和导出到PC。只需按一下按钮,您就可以添加更多联系人或一起备份手机的联系人。您还可以从账户历史记录中...
Android File Transfer for Mac 搞完之后就跟你文件2个盘符一样copy就中了 下载文件管理器程序(mac版“Android File Transfer”)。你可以点击“http://www.android.com/filetransfer/(这个地址应该被墙了,从其他地方找吧,最新版好像是1.2)”。下载后,将安卓文件管理器“AndroidFile Transfer”图标拖拽到应用...
This app allows you to effortlessly backup your Android device to your PC using a USB cable. You can transfer your file including music, video, photos between your Android device and a PC. You can also cast the screen of your phone to your PC with one