本文将介绍3种安卓和MacOS之间文件传输的工具。 Android File Transfer 下载方式 安卓官方网站 Android File Transfer 是安卓官方开发的Mac传输软件,旨在服务那些使用Mac办公的工作人士,安装成功后通过数据线即可连接Mac和安卓设备,实现文件互传 使用方式 → 在安卓官网下载“安卓文件传输”应用程序 → 打开“安卓文件传输...
Android File Transfer是安装在macOS上的,它是一款官方提供的用于在macOS上传输文件的工具。以下是关于Android File Transfer链接macOS的详细步骤: 1、下载与安装 下载: ①下载地址:https://www.android-file-transfer.com/#freedownload ②点击图中免费试用按钮, ③继续点击免费试用 ④点完以后,会自动进入下载页面,如...
Transferring files between Android and macOS can be challenging, as the two are not designed to work together. This is where MacDroid comes in. MacDroid is the ultimate Android file transfer for Mac app, specifically designed for Mac users who own an Android device rather than an iPhone. ...
通过这个链接,将谷歌出品的 Android File Transfer 下载到您的 Mac 电脑。 打开苹果磁盘镜像(.dmg),然后将 Android File Transfer 软件拖进应用程序区。 打开并解锁 Android 手机。 使用USB 线连接 Android 手机和 Mac 设备。 当您的手机连接到 Mac 电脑时,Android File Transfer 将自动打开。 如果没有自动打开,...
Transferring files between Android and macOS can be challenging, as the two are not designed to work together. This is where MacDroid comes in. MacDroid is the ultimate Android file transfer for Mac app, specifically designed for Mac users who own an Android device rather than an iPhone. ...
Android File Transfer是用于在Mac操作系统和Android设备之间传输文件。它提供了一个简单且直观的界面,使用户能够轻松地在Mac电脑和Android设备之间共享文件。 以下是Android File Transfer的一些主要特点和功能: 文件传输:Android File Transfer允许您将文件从Mac电脑传输到Android设备,或将文件从Android设备传输到Mac电脑。
Transferring files between Android and macOS can be challenging, as the two are not designed to work together. This is where MacDroid comes in. MacDroid is the ultimate Android file transfer for Mac app, specifically designed for Mac users who own an Android device rather than an iPhone. ...
Android File Transfer是一款专门为Android设备与Mac电脑之间的文件传输而设计的工具。它可以帮助用户轻松地将文件从Android设备传输到Mac电脑上,或者将文件从Mac电脑传输到Android设备上。 Android File Transfer支持多种文件类型,包括照片、视频、音乐、文档等。用户可以使用该工具将文件从Android设备导入到Mac电脑的Finder...
Android File Transfer for mac中文破解版推荐给大家!只需要在连接手机前运行 Android File Transfer ,再连接手机,那么 Mac 就会识别出 Android 设备,并可以对里面的文件进行复制、粘贴、删除等管理。启动过一次 Android File Transfer 后,以后每次只要连接 Android 设备 Android File Transfer 都会自动启动。 下载:...
How to use the app to transfer files The first thing to do is connect your Android device to the MacOS device with a USB cable. When you do, you should see a notification that states "Charging this device via USB." Tap to expand that notification and then press "Tap For More Options...