Namespace: Android.Icu.Text Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Caution Use 'Android.Icu.Text.ISymbolTable.SymbolRef'. This class will be removed in a future release. [Android.Runtime.Register("SYMBOL_REF", ApiSince=24)] [System.Obsolete("Use 'Android.Icu.Text.ISymbolTable.SymbolRef'. This ...
Why can’t I send text messages on my Android? I would send a text message and exit out of the messaging app. Then when I check later, I see that it hasn’t been sent and has a loading symbol beside the message. It’s happening a lot more randomly now than before. Why won’t ...
Android.Icu.Text 程序集: Mono.Android.dll 重载 ApplyPropertyAlias(String, String) ApplyPropertyAlias(String, String, ISymbolTable) ApplyPropertyAlias(String, String) C# [Android.Runtime.Register("applyPropertyAlias","(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/icu/text/UnicodeSet;","GetApply...
TextView.BufferType TextView.EditorActionEventArgs TextView.IOnEditorActionListener TextView.SavedState TimePicker TimePicker.IOnTimeChangedListener TimePicker.TimeChangedEventArgs Toast Toast.Callback ToastLength ToggleButton Symbolleiste Toolbar.IOnMenuItemClickListener ...
String symbol 证件符号,出生日期下的符号,例如"***AZ" String firstIssueDate 首次签发日期 String currentIssueDate 最近领用日期 String fakeDetectResult 真假判断。 0:无法判断(图像模糊、不完整、反光、过暗等导致无法判断); 1:假; 2:真。 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 List<Integer> war...
style="@style/my_style.night"android:text="嘻嘻嘻嘻"/></LinearLayout> 这样就变成了如下效果: 主题: 设置样式的方法有两种: 如果是对单个视图应用样式,请为布局XML中的 View 元素添加style属性。 或者,如果是对整个 Activity 或应用来应用样式,请为Android清单中的<activity>或<application>元素添加android:them...
If the intended recipient is currently online on Facebook, it shouldn't take long for them to see your message. If the symbol next to your message is filled with your recipient's profile picture, it means they've seen the message. Instagram Go to Instagram and sign in. On a computer,...
TextView TextView.BufferType TextView.EditorActionEventArgs TextView.IOnEditorActionListener TextView.SavedState TimePicker TimePicker.IOnTimeChangedListener TimePicker.TimeChangedEventArgs Toast Toast.Callback ToastLength ToggleButton Symbolleiste Toolbar.IOnMenuItemClickListener Toolbar.LayoutParams Toolbar.Menu...
ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: __android_log_print >>> referenced by logging.cpp:87 (C:/Users/gmens/vcpkg/buildtrees/openal-soft/src/1.23.1-180897dbaa.clean/core/logging.cpp:87) >>> logging.cpp.o:(al_print(LogLevel, __sFILE*, char const*, ...)) in archive C:/Users/gmens...
Migrate to Kotlin Symbol Processing Nov 6, 2023 feature-themes Color input Nov 12, 2023 filesystems Support for Ini language Nov 12, 2023 gradle Enable configuration cache Nov 12, 2023 .editorconfig Fix ktlint CI Oct 9, 2023 .gitignore ...