升级之后系统总体变化不大,但是反而出现一个非常烦人的问题,电池消耗特别快。经过在Xda、Android Central等著名安卓论坛的一番搜索,可以发现4.3之后出现battery drain问题是一个非常常见的现象。而且遇到问题的用户并不局限于HTC,包括nexus 4的官方系统在内都有很多人遇到了此问题。经过一番研究,可以发现罪魁祸首是位置服...
The question raised by new research from MIT is: why would apps establish covert communication channels that offer the user no benefits and yet expose them to privacy risks, suck up bandwidth and drain the battery? "Our analysis shows that 63 percent of the external communication made by top ...
Bug Report what is your environment info (mobile system, app version, etc)? MIX3 Android 10 MIUI 12 Kitsunebi-xray-1.3.0 what is your problem meet? Battery drain, like 400mAh in 1.5h paste your configuration here {"log": {"loglevel":"warning"},"inbounds": [ {"port":10809,"listen...
I turned on ag watchdog and set it to highest=300s which resulted in "check alive" alarm from ag which triggers a lot and probably forces the system to come out of sleep, which results in ~1%/hr battery drain overnight. When I again disabled watchdog, drain is back to ~2% over...
7. Location & Battery Drain 开启定位功能是一个相对来说比较耗电的操作,通常来说,我们会使用类似下面这样的代码来发出定位请求: 上面演示中有一个方法是setInterval()指的意思是每隔多长的时间获取一次位置更新,时间相隔越短,自然花费的电量就越多,但是时间相隔太长,又无法及时获取到更新的位置信息。其中存在的一...
System starts: 0, currently on battery: false Time on battery: 6h 41m 34s 718ms (98.8%) realtime, 2h 39m 54s 65ms (39.3%) uptime Time on battery screen off: 4h 13m 47s 988ms (62.5%) realtime, 12m 7s 335ms (3.0%) uptime ...
14)Understanding Battery Drain on Android 电量消耗的计算与统计是一件麻烦而且矛盾的事情,记录电量消耗本身也是一个费电量的事情。唯一可行的方案是使用第三方监测电量的设备,这样才能够获取到真实的电量消耗。 当设备处于待机状态时消耗的电量是极少的,以N5为例,打开飞行模式,可以待机接近1个月。可是点亮屏幕,硬件各...
14)Understanding Battery Drain on Android 电量消耗的计算与统计是一件麻烦而且矛盾的事情,记录电量消耗本身也是一个费电量的事情。唯一可行的方案是使用第三方监测电量的设备,这样才能够获取到真实的电量消耗。 当设备处于待机状态时消耗的电量是极少的,以N5为例,打开飞行模式,可以待机接近1个月。可是点亮屏幕,硬件各...
BatterySipper osSipper =null; finalSparseArray<? extends Uid> uidStats = mStats.getUidStats; finalintNU = uidStats.size; for(intiu =0; iu < NU; iu++) { finalUid u = uidStats.valueAt(iu); finalBatterySipper app =newBatterySipper(BatterySipper.DrainType.APP, u,0); ...