打开你的代理软件找到代理端口 或者在mac的系统设置的网络设置中查找代理 然后在Android studio中配置 确定应该就可以了使用网络点击下方的check connection,成功的话就表示可以了。
然后重启Android studio 应该就好了,如果不好就看第二种方案 方案二 网友方案,这里给出链接,我就不敲了 点这里方案链接 还有一种情况 You have JVM property “socksProxyHost" set to “”. This may lead to incorrect behaviour. Proxy should be set in Settings | HTTP Proxy This JVM property...
到根目录删除.gradle目录,重新打开Android Studio,依然报错,这次直接提示网络有问题,SSH连接错误。 到Android Studio的Preferences去查看HTTP Proxy,才发现有黄色的警告框。 You have JVM property "https.proxyHost" set to ... This may lead to incorrect behavior. Proxy should be set in Settings|HTTP Proxy ...
cd frameworks\runtime-src\proj.android-studio gradlew 复制代码 gradlew命令其实运行的是proj.android-studio目录下的gradlew.bat脚本 1.安装Java和下载gradlew 第一次会提示没有java ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH. Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in...
MockWebServer is used for firstly for internal testing, and for basic testing of apps using OkHttp client. It is not a full featured HTTP testing library that is developed standalone. It is not being actively developed for new features. As such you might find your needs outgrow MockWebServe...
在androidstudio中的local.properties中添加ndk.dir= 你的ndk的路径 90.Error:(8, 0) Could not find property 'ANDROID_BUILD_SDK_VERSION' on project ':ActionBar-PullToRefresh'. dependencies { compile 'com.github.castorflex.smoothprogressbar:library:0.4.+@aar' } 解决方法 I think you should also ...
借着韩哥哥要求重构的机会,正好好好回顾下以前遗忘/忽略的知识点。 记录下有关 Gradle 优化之路: Android|模块化探索抽取 basic 简化子 module 冗余 Android 重构 | 统一管理 Gradle 依赖版本 大概的方向或者说最终目标精简后如下: 一次引用,全文(项目)使用,避免团队协作引入重复依赖; ...
Because they do not indicate that it is not compatible with Windows and that it only works for IOS, and so far version 0.3.12-final does not have files in the Windows or Linux folders, only IOS in: C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudio2024.2\plugins\relay_android_studio\...
This property has no effect, AAPT2 is now always used. 解决方案 移除gradle.properties中android.enableAapt2=true 原因 28.0.0已经不支持AAPT2,移除相关配置即可 问题四:You have JVM property "socksProxyHost" set to "". 问题描述 This may lead to incorrect behaviour. Proxy should be set...
Android studio版本太低,导入的项目版本高其实也就是Gradle从高版本导入到低版本里面了 今天遇到了一个Error:This Gradle plugin requires Studio 3.0 minimum这样的问题,我觉得是我的studio的版本不够高,我的studio是2.3.3版本的,导入的项目的版本应该是3.0的,其实我们可以这样,将以下内容添加到gradle.properties中: ...